IPv4 Vendor Crawlers#

This module contains all vendor crawlers of IPv4 implementations. Available vendor crawlers include:


Classification Level Encodings


Option Classes


IP Option Numbers [*]


Protection Authority Bit Assignments


QS Functions


IPv4 Router Alert Option Values []


ToS (DS Field) Delay


ToS ECN Field


ToS (DS Field) Precedence


ToS (DS Field) Reliability


ToS (DS Field) Throughput


TS Flag

Classification Level Encodings#

This module contains the vendor crawler for Classification Level Encodings, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.classification_level.ClassificationLevel.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.classification_level.ClassificationLevel[source]#

Bases: Vendor

Classification Level Encodings

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0b00000000 <= value <= 0b11111111'#

Value limit checker.

Option Classes#

This module contains the vendor crawler for Option Classes, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.option_class.OptionClass.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.option_class.OptionClass[source]#

Bases: Vendor

Option Classes

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 3'#

Value limit checker.s

IP Option Numbers#

This module contains the vendor crawler for IP Option Numbers, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.option_number.OptionNumber.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.option_number.OptionNumber[source]#

Bases: Vendor

IP Option Numbers

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 255'#

Value limit checker.

Link to registry.

Protection Authority Bit Assignments#

This module contains the vendor crawler for Protection Authority Bit Assignments, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.protection_authority.ProtectionAuthority.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.protection_authority.ProtectionAuthority[source]#

Bases: Vendor

Protection Authority Bit Assignments

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and value >= 0'#

Value limit checker.

QS Functions#

This module contains the vendor crawler for QS Functions, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.qs_function.QSFunction.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.qs_function.QSFunction[source]#

Bases: Vendor

QS Functions

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 8'#

Value limit checker.

IPv4 Router Alert Option Values#

This module contains the vendor crawler for IPv4 Router Alert Option Values, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.router_alert.RouterAlert.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.router_alert.RouterAlert[source]#

Bases: Vendor

IPv4 Router Alert Option Values

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 65535'#

Value limit checker.

Link to registry.

ToS (DS Field) Delay#

This module contains the vendor crawler for ToS (DS Field) Delay, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_del.ToSDelay.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.tos_del.ToSDelay[source]#

Bases: Vendor

ToS (DS Field) Delay

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 1'#

Value limit checker.

ToS ECN Field#

This module contains the vendor crawler for ToS ECN Field, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_ecn.ToSECN.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.tos_ecn.ToSECN[source]#

Bases: Vendor

ToS ECN Field

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0b00 <= value <= 0b11'#

Value limit checker.

ToS (DS Field) Precedence#

This module contains the vendor crawler for ToS (DS Field) Precedence, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_pre.ToSPrecedence.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.tos_pre.ToSPrecedence[source]#

Bases: Vendor

ToS (DS Field) Precedence

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0b000 <= value <= 0b111'#

Value limit checker.

ToS (DS Field) Reliability#

This module contains the vendor crawler for ToS (DS Field) Reliability, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_rel.ToSReliability.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.tos_rel.ToSReliability[source]#

Bases: Vendor

ToS (DS Field) Reliability

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 1'#

Value limit checker.

ToS (DS Field) Throughput#

This module contains the vendor crawler for ToS (DS Field) Throughput, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.tos_thr.ToSThroughput.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.tos_thr.ToSThroughput[source]#

Bases: Vendor

ToS (DS Field) Throughput

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 1'#

Value limit checker.

TS Flag#

This module contains the vendor crawler for TS Flag, which is automatically generating pcapkit.const.ipv4.ts_flag.TSFlag.

class pcapkit.vendor.ipv4.ts_flag.TSFlag[source]#

Bases: Vendor

TS Flag

FLAG: str = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0b0000 <= value <= 0b1111'#

Value limit checker.
