Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base Model

The :mod:`` module contains abstract base class
of all data models for the :mod:`darc` project.


from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import peewee
import playhouse.shortcuts as playhouse_shortcuts

from darc.const import DB as database
from darc.const import DB_WEB as database_web
from darc.model.utils import table_function

    from peewee import Metadata

__all__ = [
    'BaseMeta', 'BaseModel',

[docs] class BaseMeta: """Basic metadata for data models.""" #: Reference database storage (c.f. :class:`~darc.const.DB`). database = database #: Generate table name dynamically (c.f. :func:`~darc.models.utils.table_function`). table_function = table_function
[docs] class BaseMetaWeb(BaseMeta): """Basic metadata for data models of data submission.""" #: Reference database storage (c.f. :class:`~darc.const.DB`). database = database_web #: Generate table name dynamically (c.f. :func:`~darc.models.utils.table_function`). table_function = table_function
[docs] class BaseModel(peewee.Model): """Base model with standard patterns. Notes: The model will implicitly have a :class:`~peewee.AutoField` attribute named as :attr:`id`. """ #: Basic metadata for data models. Meta = BaseMeta _meta: 'Metadata'
[docs] def to_dict(self, keep_id: bool = False) -> None: """Convert record to :obj:`dict`. Args: keep_id: If keep the ID auto field. Returns: The data converted through :func:`playhouse.shortcuts.model_to_dict`. """ data = playhouse_shortcuts.model_to_dict(self) if keep_id: return data if 'id' in data: del data['id'] return data
[docs] class BaseModelWeb(BaseModel): """Base model with standard patterns for data submission. Notes: The model will implicitly have a :class:`~peewee.AutoField` attribute named as :attr:`id`. """ #: Basic metadata for data models. Meta = BaseMetaWeb