Source code for darc.model.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object,ungrouped-imports
"""Miscellaneous Utilities

The :mod:`darc.model.utils` module contains several miscellaneous
utility functions and data fields.


import enum
import ipaddress
import json
import pickle  # nosec
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from peewee import BlobField, IntegerField
from peewee import IPField as _IPField
from peewee import Model, make_snake_case
from playhouse.mysql_ext import JSONField as _JSONField

    from enum import IntEnum
    from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
    from typing import Any, Optional, Union

    IPAddress = Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]

__all__ = ['table_function',
           'JSONField', 'IPField',
           'IntEnumField', 'PickleField',

[docs] def table_function(model_class: Model) -> str: """Generate table name dynamically. The function strips ``Model`` from the class name and calls :func:`peewee.make_snake_case` to generate a proper table name. Args: model_class: Data model class. Returns: Generated table name. """ name: str = model_class.__name__ if name.endswith('Model'): name = name[:-5] # strip ``Model`` suffix return make_snake_case(name)
[docs] class JSONField(_JSONField): """JSON data field."""
[docs] def db_value(self, value: 'Any') -> 'Optional[str]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Dump the value for database storage. Args: value: Source JSON value. Returns: JSON serialised string data. """ if value is not None: return json.dumps(value) return None
[docs] def python_value(self, value: 'Optional[str]') -> 'Any': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Load the value from database storage. Args: value: Serialised JSON string. Returns: Original JSON data. """ if value is not None: return json.loads(value) return None
[docs] class IPField(_IPField): """IP data field."""
[docs] def db_value(self, val: 'Optional[Union[str, IPAddress]]') -> 'Optional[int]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Dump the value for database storage. Args: value: Source IP address instance. Returns: Integral representation of the IP address. """ if val is not None: if isinstance(val, str): val = ipaddress.ip_address(val) return int(val) # type: ignore[arg-type] return None
[docs] def python_value(self, val: 'Optional[int]') -> 'Optional[IPAddress]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Load the value from database storage. Args: value: Integral representation of the IP address. Returns: Original IP address instance. """ if val is not None: return ipaddress.ip_address(val) return None
[docs] class IntEnumField(IntegerField): """:class:`enum.IntEnum` data field.""" #: The original :class:`enum.IntEnum` class. choices: 'IntEnum' # def db_value(self, value: 'Optional[IntEnum]') -> 'Optional[str]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements # """Dump the value for database storage. # Args: # val: Original enumeration object. # Returns: # Integral representation of the enumeration. # """ # if value is not None: # return value
[docs] def python_value(self, value: 'Optional[int]') -> 'Optional[IntEnum]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Load the value from database storage. Args: value: Integral representation of the enumeration. Returns: Original enumeration object. """ if value is not None: return self.choices(value) # type: ignore return None
[docs] class PickleField(BlobField): """Pickled data field."""
[docs] def db_value(self, value: 'Any') -> 'Optional[bytes]': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Dump the value for database storage. Args: value: Source value. Returns: Picked bytestring data. """ if value is not None: value = pickle.dumps(value) return super().db_value(value)
[docs] def python_value(self, value: 'Optional[bytes]') -> 'Any': # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Load the value from database storage. Args: value: SPicked bytestring data. Returns: Original data. """ value = super().python_value(value) if value is not None: return pickle.loads(value) # nosec return None
[docs] class Proxy(enum.IntEnum): """Proxy types supported by :mod:`darc`. .. _tor2web: """ #: No proxy. NULL = #: Tor proxy. TOR = #: I2P proxy. I2P = #: ZeroNet proxy. ZERONET = #: Freenet proxy. FREENET = #: Proxied Tor (`tor2web`_, no proxy). TOR2WEB =