# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""lorem ipsum generator
In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly
used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without
relying on meaningful content.
The :mod:`lorem` module provides a generic access to generating the lorem ipsum
text from its very original text::
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
est laborum.
Usage of the :mod:`lorem` module is rather simple. Depending on your needs, the
:mod:`lorem` module provides generation of *words*, *sentences*, and
Get Random Words
The :mod:`lorem` module provides two different ways for getting random words.
1. :func:`word` -- generate a list of random words
.. code-block:: python
word(count=1, func=None, args=(), kwargs={}) -> Iterator[str]
2. :func:`get_word` -- return random words
.. code-block:: python
get_word(count=1, sep=' ', func=None, args=(), kwargs={}) -> str
Get Random Sentences
The :mod:`lorem` module provides two different ways for getting random sentences.
1. :func:`sentence` -- generate a list of random sentences
.. code-block:: python
sentence(count=1, comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8)) -> Iterator[str]
2. :func:`get_sentence` -- return random sentences
.. code-block:: python
get_sentence(count=1, sep=' ', comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8)) -> Union[str]
Get Random Paragraphs
The :mod:`lorem` module provides two different ways for getting random paragraphs.
1. :func:`paragraph` -- generate a list of random paragraphs
.. code-block:: python
paragraph(count=1, comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8), sentence_range=(5, 10)) -> Iterator[str]
2. :func:`get_paragraph` -- return random paragraphs
.. code-block:: python
get_paragraph(count=1, sep=os.linesep, comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8), sentence_range=(5, 10)) -> Union[str]
import itertools
import os
import random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Optional
__all__ = [
'word', 'sentence', 'paragraph',
'get_word', 'get_sentence', 'get_paragraph',
# version string
__version__ = '1.3.0.post3'
#: The original lorem ipsum text pool.
_TEXT = ('ad', 'adipiscing', 'aliqua', 'aliquip', 'amet', 'anim', 'aute', 'cillum', 'commodo',
'consectetur', 'consequat', 'culpa', 'cupidatat', 'deserunt', 'do', 'dolor', 'dolore',
'duis', 'ea', 'eiusmod', 'elit', 'enim', 'esse', 'est', 'et', 'eu', 'ex', 'excepteur',
'exercitation', 'fugiat', 'id', 'in', 'incididunt', 'ipsum', 'irure', 'labore', 'laboris',
'laborum', 'lorem', 'magna', 'minim', 'mollit', 'nisi', 'non', 'nostrud', 'nulla',
'occaecat', 'officia', 'pariatur', 'proident', 'qui', 'quis', 'reprehenderit', 'sed',
'sint', 'sit', 'sunt', 'tempor', 'ullamco', 'ut', 'velit', 'veniam', 'voluptate')
def _random_cycle(iterable: 'Iterable[Any]') -> 'Iterator[Any]':
"""Randomly cycle the given iterable.
iterable: Iterable to be cycled.
Randomly cycled iterable.
pool = [] # type: list
for item in iterable:
yield item
while True:
for item in pool:
yield item
class LoremGenerator:
"""Generate random words.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
dupe: Duplication to generate the word pool.
def pool(self) -> 'Iterator[str]':
"""Return the current random word pool."""
return self._pool
def __init__(self, pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT, dupe: 'int' = 1) -> 'None':
self._text = pool
self._pool = self._gen_pool(dupe)
def _gen_pool(self, dupe: 'int' = 1) -> 'Iterator[str]':
"""Generate word pool.
dupe: Duplication to generate the word pool.
An infinite loop word pool.
pool = [] # type: list[str]
for _ in range(dupe):
while pool: # pragma: no cover
for text in pool:
yield text
def gen_word(self, # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
func: 'Optional[str | Callable[[str], str]]' = None,
args: 'tuple[str, ...]' = (), kwargs: 'dict[str, Any]' = {}) -> 'str':
"""Generate random word.
func: Filter function. It can be an attribute name of :obj:`str`, or a customised
function that takes the original :obj:`str` and returns the modified :obj:`str`.
args: Additional positional arguments for ``func``.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for ``func``.
Random word.
text = next(self.pool)
if func is not None:
if isinstance(func, str):
text = getattr(text, func)(*args, **kwargs)
text = func(text, *args, **kwargs)
return text
def gen_sentence(self, comma: 'tuple[int, int]',
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]') -> 'str':
"""Generate random sentence.
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint`
to choose a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
Random sentence.
text = self.gen_word(func='capitalize')
for _ in range(random.randint(*word_range) - 1): # nosec B311
text += ' ' + self.gen_word()
for _ in range(random.randint(*comma)): # nosec B311
include_comma = random.choice([True, False]) # nosec B311
if include_comma:
text += ','
for _ in range(random.randint(*word_range)): # nosec B311
text += ' ' + self.gen_word()
return text + '.'
def gen_paragraph(self, comma: 'tuple[int, int]',
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]',
sentence_range: 'tuple[int, int]') -> 'str':
"""Generate random paragraph.
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint`
to choose a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
sentence_range: Random range for number of sentences in each paragraph. The function
will use :func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of sentences.
Random paragraph.
text = self.gen_sentence(comma=comma, word_range=word_range)
for _ in range(random.randint(*sentence_range) - 1): # nosec B311
text += ' ' + self.gen_sentence(comma=comma, word_range=word_range)
return text
def word(count: int = 1, func: 'Optional[str | Callable[[str], str]]' = None,
args: 'tuple[str, ...]' = (), kwargs: 'dict[str, Any]' = {}, *,
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT,) -> 'Iterator[str]': # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
"""Generate a list of random words.
.. code-block:: python
>>> list(itertools.cycle(word(count=3), 3))
['labore', 'tempor', 'commodo']
>>> list(itertools.cycle(word(count=3, func='capitalize'), 3))
['Ea', 'Lorem', 'Do']
>>> list(itertools.cycle(word(count=3, func=lambda s: s.upper()), 3))
count: Number of non-repeated random words.
func: Filter function. It can be an attribute name of :obj:`str`, or a customised
function that takes the original :obj:`str` and returns the modified :obj:`str`.
args: Additional positional arguments for ``func``.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for ``func``.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Indefinite random words generator.
lorem = LoremGenerator(pool=pool, dupe=count)
yield from itertools.cycle(lorem.gen_word(func=func,
kwargs=kwargs) for _ in range(count))
def sentence(count: 'int' = 1, comma: 'tuple[int, int]' = (0, 2),
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (4, 8), *,
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT) -> 'Iterator[str]':
"""Generate a list of random sentences.
.. code-block:: python
>>> list(itertools.islice(sentence(), 1))
['Aute irure et commodo sunt do duis dolor.']
count: Number of non-repeated random sentences.
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint`
to choose a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Indefinite random sentence generator.
lorem = LoremGenerator(pool=pool, dupe=count)
yield from _random_cycle(lorem.gen_sentence(comma=comma,
word_range=word_range) for _ in range(count))
def paragraph(count: 'int' = 1, comma: 'tuple[int, int]' = (0, 2),
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (4, 8),
sentence_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (5, 10), *,
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT) -> 'Iterator[str]':
"""Generate a list of random paragraphs.
.. code-block:: python
>>> list(itertools.islice(paragraph(), 1))
['Aute sint et cupidatat aliquip. Non exercitation est aliquip voluptate '
'fugiat, reprehenderit ad occaecat laboris velit consequat. Magna enim '
'deserunt aute laborum fugiat exercitation. Aliqua ex sunt fugiat in '
'magna voluptate. Elit nisi exercitation nostrud. Magna proident et '
'fugiat eiusmod cupidatat fugiat, sit culpa fugiat non ea eu '
'reprehenderit elit. Proident mollit mollit ut cillum. Nostrud voluptate '
'aliquip cupidatat anim.']
count: Number of non-repeated random paragraphs.
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint`
to choose a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
sentence_range: Random range for number of sentences in each paragraph. The function
will use :func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of sentences.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Random paragraph generator.
lorem = LoremGenerator(
dupe=count * random.randint(*word_range) * random.randint(*sentence_range), # nosec B311
yield from _random_cycle(lorem.gen_paragraph(comma=comma,
sentence_range=sentence_range) for _ in range(count))
def get_word(count: 'int | tuple[int, int]' = 1,
sep: 'str' = ' ',
func: 'Optional[str | Callable[[str], str]]' = None,
args: 'tuple[str, ...]' = (), kwargs: 'dict[str, Any]' = {},
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT,) -> 'str': # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
"""Return random words.
.. code-block:: python
>>> get_word(count=3)
'anim voluptate non'
>>> get_word(count=3, func='capitalize')
'Non Labore Ut'
>>> get_word(count=3, func=lambda s: s.upper())
count: Number of random words. To generate random number of words, supply a 2-element
tuple of :obj:`int`, the function will use :func:`random.randint` to choose a
random integer as the number of random words.
sep: Seperator between each word.
func: Filter function. It can be a function name of :obj:`str`, or a customised
function that takes the original :obj:`str` and returns the modified :obj:`str`.
args: Additional positional arguments for ``func``.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for ``func``.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Random words.
if isinstance(count, tuple):
count = random.randint(*count) # nosec B311
return sep.join(itertools.islice(word(count, func, args, kwargs, pool=pool), count))
def get_sentence(count: 'int | tuple[int, int]' = 1,
sep: 'str' = ' ',
comma: 'tuple[int, int]' = (0, 2),
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (4, 8), *,
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT) -> 'str':
"""Return random sentences.
.. code-block:: python
>>> get_sentence()
'Nostrud laboris lorem minim sit culpa, aliqua nostrud in amet, sint pariatur eiusmod esse.'
count: Number of random sentences. To generate random number of sentences, supply a
2-element tuple of :obj:`int`, the function will use :func:`random.randint` to
choose a random integer as the number of random sentences.
sep: Seperator between each sentence.
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint`
to choose a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Random sentences.
if isinstance(count, tuple):
count = random.randint(*count) # nosec B311
return sep.join(itertools.islice(sentence(count, comma, word_range, pool=pool), count))
def get_paragraph(count: 'int | tuple[int, int]' = 1,
sep: 'str' = os.linesep,
comma: 'tuple[int, int]' = (0, 2),
word_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (4, 8),
sentence_range: 'tuple[int, int]' = (5, 10), *,
pool: 'Iterable[str]' = _TEXT) -> 'str':
r"""Return random paragraphs.
.. code-block:: python
>>> get_paragraph()
'Exercitation magna sunt excepteur irure adipiscing commodo duis. Est '
'ipsum qui deserunt, deserunt nostrud reprehenderit esse. Do velit '
'est in velit sed. Sunt officia officia lorem. Commodo lorem '
'exercitation veniam officia pariatur velit. Deserunt deserunt sed '
'consequat laborum consequat dolor. Et consectetur irure sint elit tempor,'
' est minim nisi eiusmod id excepteur. Minim cillum veniam sed aliquip '
'anim sit, pariatur nostrud ex cillum laboris laborum. Laborum ullamco '
'mollit elit. Amet id incididunt ipsum sed.'
count: Number of random paragraphs. To generate random number of paragraphs, supply a
2-element tuple of :obj:`int`, the function will use :func:`random.randint` to choose
a random integer as the number of random paragraphs.
sep: Seperator between each paragraph. The default value is OS-dependent as :data:`os.linsep`
(``\r\n`` on Windows, ``\n`` on POSIX).
comma: Random range for number of commas. The function will use :func:`random.randint` to choose
a random integer as the number of commas.
word_range: Random range for number of words in each sentence. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of words.
sentence_range: Random range for number of sentences in each paragraph. The function will use
:func:`random.randint` to choose a random integer as the number of sentences.
pool: List of words to be used as random word pool.
Random paragraphs.
if isinstance(count, tuple):
count = random.randint(*count) # nosec B311
return sep.join(itertools.islice(paragraph(count, comma, word_range, sentence_range, pool=pool), count))