Source code for pcapkit.const.hip.ecdsa_curve

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long,consider-using-f-string
"""ECDSA Curve Label

.. module:: pcapkit.const.hip.ecdsa_curve

This module contains the constant enumeration for **ECDSA Curve Label**,
which is automatically generated from :class:`pcapkit.vendor.hip.ecdsa_curve.ECDSACurve`.


from aenum import IntEnum, extend_enum

__all__ = ['ECDSACurve']

[docs] class ECDSACurve(IntEnum): """[ECDSACurve] ECDSA Curve Label""" #: RESERVED [:rfc:`7401`] RESERVED_0 = 0 #: NIST P-256 [:rfc:`7401`] NIST_P_256 = 1 #: NIST P-384 [:rfc:`7401`] NIST_P_384 = 2 @staticmethod def get(key: 'int | str', default: 'int' = -1) -> 'ECDSACurve': """Backport support for original codes. Args: key: Key to get enum item. default: Default value if not found. :meta private: """ if isinstance(key, int): return ECDSACurve(key) if key not in ECDSACurve._member_map_: # pylint: disable=no-member return extend_enum(ECDSACurve, key, default) return ECDSACurve[key] # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value: 'int') -> 'ECDSACurve': """Lookup function used when value is not found. Args: value: Value to get enum item. """ if not (isinstance(value, int) and 0 <= value <= 65535): raise ValueError('%r is not a valid %s' % (value, cls.__name__)) if 3 <= value <= 65535: #: Unassigned return extend_enum(cls, 'Unassigned_%d' % value, value) return super()._missing_(value)