Source code for pcapkit.corekit.fields.collections

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""container field class"""

import copy
import io
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar, cast

from pcapkit.corekit.fields.field import FieldBase
from pcapkit.corekit.multidict import OrderedMultiDict
from pcapkit.utilities.compat import List
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import FieldValueError

__all__ = [
    'ListField', 'OptionField',

    from collections import defaultdict
    from enum import IntEnum as StdlibEnum
    from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Optional, Type

    from aenum import IntEnum as AenumEnum
    from typing_extensions import Self

    from pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema import Schema

_TL = TypeVar('_TL', 'Schema', 'FieldBase', 'bytes')
_TS = TypeVar('_TS', bound='Schema')

[docs] class ListField(FieldBase[List[_TL]], Generic[_TL]): """Field list for protocol fields. Args: length: Field size (in bytes); if a callable is given, it should return an integer value and accept the current packet as its only argument. item_type: Field type of the contained items. callback: Callback function to be called upon :meth:`self.__call__ <pcapkit.corekit.fields.field.FieldBase.__call__>`. This field is used to represent a list of fields, as in the case of lists of constrant-length-field items in a protocol. """ @property def length(self) -> 'int': """Field size.""" return self._length @property def optional(self) -> 'bool': """Field is optional.""" return True def __init__(self, length: 'int | Callable[[dict[str, Any]], int]' = lambda _: -1, item_type: 'Optional[FieldBase]' = None, callback: 'Callable[[Self, dict[str, Any]], None]' = lambda *_: None) -> 'None': #self._name = '<list>' self._callback = callback self._item_type = item_type self._length_callback = None if not isinstance(length, int): self._length_callback, length = length, -1 self._length = length self._template = '0s'
[docs] def __call__(self, packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'Self': """Update field attributes. Args: packet: Packet data. Returns: Updated field instance. This method will return a new instance of :class:`ListField` instead of updating the current instance. """ new_self = copy.copy(self) new_self._callback(self, packet) if new_self._length_callback is not None: new_self._length = new_self._length_callback(packet) new_self._template = f'{new_self._length}s' return new_self
[docs] def pack(self, value: 'Optional[list[_TL]]', packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'bytes': """Pack field value into :obj:`bytes`. Args: value: Field value. packet: Packet data. Returns: Packed field value. """ if value is None: return b'' from pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema import \ Schema # pylint: disable=import-outside-top-level temp = [] # type: list[bytes] for item in value: if isinstance(item, bytes): temp.append(item) elif isinstance(item, Schema): temp.append(item.pack(packet)) elif self._item_type is not None: temp.append(self._item_type.pack(item, packet)) else: raise FieldValueError(f'Field {} has invalid value.') return b''.join(temp)
[docs] def unpack(self, buffer: 'bytes | IO[bytes]', packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'bytes | list[_TL]': """Unpack field value from :obj:`bytes`. Args: buffer: Field buffer. packet: Packet data. Returns: Unpacked field value. """ length = self._length if isinstance(buffer, bytes): file = io.BytesIO(buffer) # type: IO[bytes] else: file = buffer if self._item_type is None: return from pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc import SchemaField is_schema = isinstance(self._item_type, SchemaField) temp = [] # type: list[_TL] while length > 0: field = self._item_type(packet) if is_schema: data = cast('SchemaField', self._item_type).unpack(file, packet) length -= len(data) if length < 0: raise FieldValueError(f'Field {} has invalid length.') else: length -= field.length if length < 0: raise FieldValueError(f'Field {} has invalid length.') buffer = data = field.unpack(buffer, packet) temp.append(data) return temp
[docs] class OptionField(ListField, Generic[_TS]): """Field list for protocol options. Args: length: Field size (in bytes); if a callable is given, it should return an integer value and accept the current packet as its only argument. base_schema: Base schema for option fields. type_name: Name of the option type field. registry: Option registry, as in a mapping from option types (enumeration values) to option schemas, with the default value being the unknown option schema. eool: Enumeration of the EOOL (end-of-option-list, or equivalent) option callback: Callback function to be called upon :meth:`self.__call__ <pcapkit.corekit.fields.field.FieldBase.__call__>`. This field is used to represent a list of fields, as in the case of lists of options and/or parameters in a protocol. """ @property def base_schema(self) -> 'Type[_TS]': """Base schema.""" return self._base_schema @property def type_name(self) -> 'str': """Type name.""" return self._type_name @property def registry(self) -> 'defaultdict[int | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum, Type[_TS]]': """Option registry.""" return self._registry @property def eool(self) -> 'int | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum': """EOOL option.""" return self._eool @property def option_padding(self) -> 'int': """Length option padding data.""" return self._option_padding def __init__(self, length: 'int | Callable[[dict[str, Any]], int]' = lambda _: -1, base_schema: 'Optional[Type[_TS]]' = None, type_name: 'str' = 'type', registry: 'Optional[defaultdict[int | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum, Type[_TS]]]' = None, eool: 'Optional[int | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum]' = None, callback: 'Callable[[Self, dict[str, Any]], None]' = lambda *_: None) -> 'None': super().__init__(length, None, callback) #self._name = '<option>' self._eool = eool self._option_padding = 0 if base_schema is None: raise FieldValueError('Field <option> has no base schema.') self._base_schema = base_schema if not hasattr(self._base_schema, type_name): raise FieldValueError(f'Field <option> has no type field "{type_name}".') self._type_name = type_name if registry is None: raise FieldValueError('Field <option> has no registry.') self._registry = registry
[docs] def unpack(self, buffer: 'bytes | IO[bytes]', packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'list[_TS]': """Unpack field value from :obj:`bytes`. Args: buffer: Field buffer. packet: Packet data. Returns: Unpacked field value. Important: If the option list ended before the specified size limit, set :attr:`self.option_padding <OptionField.option_padding>` as the remaining length to the ``packet`` argument such that the next fields can be aware of such informations. """ length = self._length if isinstance(buffer, bytes): file = io.BytesIO(buffer) # type: IO[bytes] else: file = buffer # make a copy of the ``packet`` dict so that we can include # parsed option schema in the ``packet`` dict new_packet = packet.copy() new_packet[] = OrderedMultiDict() temp = [] # type: list[_TS] while length > 0: # unpack option type using base schema meta = self._base_schema.unpack(file, length, packet) # type: ignore[call-arg,misc,var-annotated] code = cast('int', meta[self._type_name]) schema = self._registry[code] # rewind to the beginning of the option, io.SEEK_CUR) # unpack option using option schema data = schema.unpack(file, length, packet) # type: ignore[call-arg,misc,var-annotated] new_packet[].add(code, data) temp.append(data) # update length length -= len(data) # check for EOOL if code == self._eool: break self._option_padding = length return temp