Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base Class

.. module::

:mod:`` contains
:class:`` only,
which is an abstract base class for all reassembly classes,
bases on algorithms described in :rfc:`791` and :rfc:`815`,
implements datagram reassembly of IP and TCP packets.

import abc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Type, TypeVar, cast

from pcapkit.protocols import __proto__ as protocol_registry
from pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw import Raw
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import UnsupportedCall

    from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Type

    from typing_extensions import Self

    from pcapkit.corekit.infoclass import Info
    from pcapkit.protocols.protocol import ProtocolBase as Protocol

    CallbackFn = Callable[[list['_DT']], None]

__all__ = ['Reassembly']

# packet
_PT = TypeVar('_PT', bound='Info')
# datagram
_DT = TypeVar('_DT', bound='Info')
# buffer ID
_IT = TypeVar('_IT', bound='tuple')
# buffer
_BT = TypeVar('_BT', bound='Info')

[docs] class ReassemblyMeta(abc.ABCMeta): """Meta class to add dynamic support to :class:`Reassembly`. This meta class is used to generate necessary attributes for the :class:`Reassembly` class. It can be useful to reduce unnecessary registry calls and simplify the customisation process. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: #: Protocol name of current reassembly object. __protocol_name__: 'str' #: Protocol of current reassembly object. __protocol_type__: 'Type[Protocol]' @property def name(cls) -> 'str': """Protocol name of current reassembly object.""" if hasattr(cls, '__protocol_name__'): return cls.__protocol_name__ return cls.__name__ @property def protocol(cls) -> 'Type[Protocol]': """Protocol of current reassembly object.""" if hasattr(cls, '__protocol_type__'): return cls.__protocol_type__ return protocol_registry.get(, Raw)
[docs] class ReassemblyBase(Generic[_PT, _DT, _IT, _BT], metaclass=ReassemblyMeta): """Base class for reassembly procedure. Args: strict: if return all datagrams (including those not implemented) when submit store: if store reassembled datagram in memory, i.e., :attr:`self._dtgram <_dtgram>` (if not, datagram will be discarded after callback) Note: This class is for internal use only. For customisation, please use :class:`TraceFlow` instead. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: #: Protocol name of current reassembly object. __protocol_name__: 'str' #: Protocol of current reassembly object. __protocol_type__: 'Type[Protocol]' #: List of callback functions upon reassembled datagram. __callback_fn__: 'list[CallbackFn]' _flag_s: 'bool' _flag_d: 'bool' _flag_n: 'bool' # Internal data storage for cached properties. __cached__: 'dict[str, Any]' ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## @property def name(self) -> 'str': """Protocol name of current reassembly object. Note: This property is not available as a class attribute. """ if hasattr(self, '__protocol_name__'): return self.__protocol_name__ return type(self).name # type: ignore[return-value] @property def protocol(self) -> 'Type[Protocol]': """Protocol of current reassembly object. Note: This property is not available as a class attribute. """ if hasattr(self, '__protocol_type__'): return self.__protocol_type__ return type(self).protocol # type: ignore[return-value] # total number of reassembled packets @property def count(self) -> 'int': """Total number of reassembled packets.""" if self._flag_n: self.__cached__.clear() self._flag_n = False if (cached := self.__cached__.get('count')) is not None: return cached ret = len(self.datagram) self.__cached__['count'] = ret return ret # reassembled datagram @property def datagram(self) -> 'tuple[_DT, ...]': """Reassembled datagram. Raises: UnsupportedCall: If :attr:`self._flag_d <_flag_d>` is set to :data:`False`. """ if not self._flag_d: raise UnsupportedCall(f'{self.__class__.__name__}(store=False) has no attribute "datagram"') if self._buffer: return self.fetch() return tuple(self._dtgram) ########################################################################## # Methods. ########################################################################## # reassembly procedure @abc.abstractmethod def reassembly(self, info: '_PT') -> 'None': """Reassembly procedure. Arguments: info: info dict of packets to be reassembled """ # clear cache self._flag_n = False self.__cached__['count'] = None self.__cached__['fetch'] = None # submit reassembled payload @abc.abstractmethod def submit(self, buf: '_BT', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'list[_DT]': """Submit reassembled payload. Arguments: buf: buffer dict of reassembled packets **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments """ # fetch datagram def fetch(self) -> 'tuple[_DT, ...]': """Fetch datagram. Returns: Tuple of reassembled datagrams. Fetch reassembled datagrams from :attr:`self._dtgram <>` and returns a *tuple* of such datagrams. If no cache found, the method will call :meth:`self.submit <>` to *forcedly* obtain newly reassembled payload. Otherwise, the already calculated :attr:`self._dtgram <>` will be returned. """ if self._flag_n: self.__cached__.clear() self._flag_n = False if (cached := self.__cached__.get('fetch')) is not None: return cached temp_dtgram = [] # type: list[_DT] for (bufid, buffer) in self._buffer.items(): temp_dtgram.extend( self.submit(buffer, bufid=bufid) ) temp_dtgram.extend(self._dtgram) ret = tuple(temp_dtgram) self.__cached__['fetch'] = ret return ret # return datagram index def index(self, pkt_num: 'int') -> 'Optional[int]': """Return datagram index. Arguments: pkt_num: index of packet Returns: Reassembled datagram index which was from No. ``pkt_num`` packet; if not found, returns :obj:`None`. """ for counter, datagram in enumerate(self.datagram): if pkt_num in datagram.index: # type: ignore[attr-defined] return counter return None # run automatically def run(self, packets: 'list[_PT]') -> 'None': """Run automatically. Arguments: packets: list of packet dicts to be reassembled """ for packet in packets: self.reassembly(packet) # register callback function @classmethod def register(cls, callback: 'CallbackFn', *, index: 'Optional[int]' = None) -> 'None': """Register callback function. Arguments: callback: callback function, which will be called when reassembled datagram is obtained, with the list of reassembled datagrams as its only argument index: index to be inserted in the callback list,; by default, the callback will be appended to the end of the list """ if index is not None: cls.__callback_fn__.insert(index, callback) else: cls.__callback_fn__.append(callback) ########################################################################## # Data models. ########################################################################## def __new__(cls, *args: 'Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Self': # pylint: disable=unused-argument self = super().__new__(cls) # NOTE: Assign this attribute after ``__new__`` to avoid shared memory # reference between instances. self.__cached__ = {} return self def __init__(self, *, strict: 'bool' = True, store: 'bool' = True) -> 'None': """Initialise packet reassembly. Args: strict: if return all datagrams (including those not implemented) when submit store: if store reassembled datagram in memory, i.e., :attr:`self._dtgram <_dtgram>` (if not, datagram will be discarded after callback) """ #: bool: Strict mode flag. If set to :data:`True`, all #: data will be returned, including those not completely #: reassembled; otherwise, only completely reassembled #: data will be returned. self._flag_s = strict #: bool: Store mode flag. If set to :data:`True`, all #: reassembled datagram will be stored in memory, i.e., #: :attr:`self._dtgram <_dtgram>`; otherwise, datagram #: will be discarded after callback. self._flag_d = store #: bool: New datagram flag. If set to :data:`True`, the #: :attr:`self._dtgram <_dtgram>` will be repopulated. self._flag_n = False #: dict[_IT, _BT]: Dict buffer field. This field is used to #: store reassembled packets in the form of ``{bufid: buffer}``. self._buffer = {} # type: dict[_IT, _BT] #: list[_DT]: List reassembled datagram. This list is used #: to store reassembled datagrams. self._dtgram = [] # type: list[_DT] def __call__(self, packet: '_PT') -> 'None': """Call packet reassembly. Arguments: packet: packet dict to be reassembled (detailed format described in corresponding protocol) """ self._flag_n = True self.reassembly(packet) def __init_subclass__(cls) -> 'None': """Initialise subclass. This method is to be used for generating necessary attributes for the :class:`Reassembly` class. It can be useful to reduce unnecessary registry calls and simplify the customisation process. """ cls.__callback_fn__ = []
[docs] class Reassembly(ReassemblyBase[_PT, _DT, _IT, _BT], Generic[_PT, _DT, _IT, _BT]): """Base flow tracing class. Example: Use keyword argument ``protocol`` to specify the protocol name at class definition: .. code-block:: python class MyProtocol(Reassembly, protocol='my_protocol'): ... Arguments: strict: if return all datagrams (including those not implemented) when submit store: if store reassembled datagram in memory, i.e., :attr:`self._dtgram <_dtgram>` (if not, datagram will be discarded after callback) """
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls, /, protocol: 'Optional[str]' = None, *args: 'Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'None': """Initialise subclass. This method is to be used for registering the engine class to :class:`` class. Args: name: Protocol name, default to class name. *args: Arbitrary positional arguments. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. See Also: For more details, please refer to :meth:``. """ if protocol is None: protocol = cast('str', from import Extractor Extractor.register_reassembly(protocol.lower(), cls) return super().__init_subclass__()