Source code for pcapkit.protocols.application.httpv1

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r"""HTTP/1.* - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

.. module:: pcapkit.protocols.application.httpv1

:mod:`pcapkit.protocols.application.httpv1` contains
only, which implements extractor for Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP/1.*) [*]_, whose structure is described
as below:

.. code-block:: text

   <key> : <value>\r\n         :==: REQUEST HEADER
   ............  (Ellipsis)    :==: REQUEST HEADER
   \r\n                        :==: REQUEST SEPARATOR
   <body>                      :==: REQUEST BODY (optional)

   <key> : <value>\r\n         :==: RESPONSE HEADER
   ............  (Ellipsis)    :==: RESPONSE HEADER
   \r\n                        :==: RESPONSE SEPARATOR
   <body>                      :==: RESPONSE BODY (optional)

.. [*]

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pcapkit.const.http.method import Method as Enum_Method
from pcapkit.const.http.status_code import StatusCode as Enum_StatusCode
from pcapkit.corekit.multidict import OrderedMultiDict
from pcapkit.protocols.application.http import HTTP as HTTPBase
from import HTTP as Data_HTTP
from import RequestHeader as Data_RequestHeader
from import ResponseHeader as Data_ResponseHeader
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.application.httpv1 import HTTP as Schema_HTTP
from pcapkit.utilities.compat import StrEnum
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import ProtocolError

    from enum import IntEnum as StdlibEnum
    from typing import Any, Optional
    from typing import Type as _Type

    from aenum import IntEnum as AenumEnum
    from typing_extensions import Literal

    from import Header as Data_Header

__all__ = ['HTTP']

# Regular expression to match HTTP methods.
_RE_METHOD = re.compile(rb"(?P<method>[A-Z][A-Z-]*)")  # RFC 9110, section 16.1.1, 9.1, 5.6.2
# Regular expression to match HTTP version string.
_RE_VERSION = re.compile(rb"HTTP/(?P<version>\d\.\d)")
# Regular expression to match HTTP status code.
_RE_STATUS = re.compile(rb'\d{3}')

[docs] class Type(StrEnum): """HTTP packet type.""" #: Request packet. REQUEST = 'request' #: Response packet. RESPONSE = 'response'
[docs] class HTTP(HTTPBase[Data_HTTP, Schema_HTTP], data=Data_HTTP, schema=Schema_HTTP): """This class implements Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.*).""" ########################################################################## # Defaults. ########################################################################## #: Type: Type of HTTP receipt. _receipt: 'Type' ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## @property def alias(self) -> 'Literal["HTTP/0.9", "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1"]': """Acronym of current protocol.""" return f'HTTP/{self.version}' # type: ignore[return-value] @property def version(self) -> 'Literal["0.9", "1.0", "1.1"]': """Version of current protocol.""" return self._info.receipt.version # type: ignore[attr-defined] ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] def read(self, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Data_HTTP': # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Read Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.*). Structure of HTTP/1.* packet [:rfc:`7230`]: .. code-block:: text HTTP-message :==: start-line *( header-field CRLF ) CRLF [ message-body ] Args: length: Length of packet data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Parsed packet data. Raises: ProtocolError: If the packet is malformed. """ if length is None: length = len(self) schema = self.__header__ packet = header, body = packet.split(b'\r\n\r\n', maxsplit=1) header_line, header_unpacked = self._read_http_header(header) body_unpacked = self._read_http_body(body, headers=header_unpacked) or None http = Data_HTTP( receipt=header_line, header=header_unpacked, body=body_unpacked, ) self._receipt = header_line.type self._version = header_line.version # type: ignore[attr-defined] self._length = len(header) return http
[docs] def make(self, # type: ignore[override] http_version: 'Literal["0.9", "1.0", "1.1", b"0.9", b"1.0", b"1.1"]' = '1.1', method: 'Optional[Enum_Method | str | bytes]' = None, uri: 'Optional[str | bytes]' = None, status: 'Optional[Enum_StatusCode | str | bytes | int]' = None, status_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, status_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | _Type[StdlibEnum] | _Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long status_reversed: 'bool' = False, message: 'Optional[str | bytes]' = None, headers: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[str, str]]' = None, body: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_HTTP': """Make (construct) packet data. Args: http_version: HTTP version. method: HTTP method. uri: HTTP request URI. status: HTTP status code. status_default: Default HTTP status code. status_namespace: Namespace of HTTP status code. status_reversed: Whether to reverse the namespace. message: HTTP status message. headers: HTTP headers. body: HTTP body. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed packet data. """ version = http_version.encode() if isinstance(http_version, str) else http_version if method is not None and status is None: if uri is None: raise ProtocolError('HTTP request must have URI.') if isinstance(method, bytes): meth = method elif isinstance(method, str): meth = method.encode() else: meth = method.value.encode() uri_val = uri.encode() if isinstance(uri, str) else uri header_line = b'%s %s HTTP/%s\r\n' % (meth, uri_val, version) elif method is None and status is not None: status_code = self._make_index(status, status_default, namespace=status_namespace, reversed=status_reversed, pack=False) status_code_val = int(status_code) if message is None: msg = getattr(status_code, 'message', b'') or b'' else: msg = message.encode() if isinstance(message, str) else message header_line = b'HTTP/%s %s %s\r\n' % (version, str(status_code_val).encode(), msg) header_fields = [] # type: list[bytes] if headers is not None: header_fields = [] for key, value in headers.items(multi=True): header_fields.append(b'%s: %s\r\n' % (key.encode(), value.encode())) return Schema_HTTP( data=header_line + b''.join(header_fields) + b'\r\n' + body, )
[docs] @classmethod def id(cls) -> 'tuple[Literal["HTTP"], Literal["HTTPv1"]]': # type: ignore[override] """Index ID of the protocol. Returns: Index ID of the protocol. """ return (cls.__name__, 'HTTPv1') # type: ignore[return-value]
########################################################################## # Utilities. ##########################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def _make_data(cls, data: 'Data_HTTP') -> 'dict[str, Any]': # type: ignore[override] """Create key-value pairs from ``data`` for protocol construction. Args: data: protocol data Returns: Key-value pairs for protocol construction. """ return { 'http_version': data.receipt.version, # type: ignore[attr-defined] 'method': getattr(data.receipt, 'method', None), 'uri': getattr(data.receipt, 'uri', None), 'status': getattr(data.receipt, 'status', None), 'message': getattr(data.receipt, 'message', None), 'headers': data.header, 'body': data.body, }
[docs] def _read_http_header(self, header: 'bytes') -> 'tuple[Data_Header, OrderedMultiDict[str, str]]': """Read HTTP/1.* header. Structure of HTTP/1.* header [:rfc:`7230`]: .. code-block:: text start-line :==: request-line / status-line request-line :==: method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF status-line :==: HTTP-version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF header-field :==: field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS Args: header: HTTP header data. Returns: Parsed packet data. Raises: ProtocolError: If the packet is malformed. """ startline, headerfield = header.split(b'\r\n', 1) para1, para2, para3 = re.split(rb'\s+', startline, 2) fields = headerfield.split(b'\r\n') lists = (re.split(rb'\s*:\s*', field, 1) for field in fields) if TYPE_CHECKING: header_line: 'Data_Header' match1 = re.match(_RE_METHOD, para1) match2 = re.match(_RE_VERSION, para3) match3 = re.match(_RE_VERSION, para1) match4 = re.match(_RE_STATUS, para2) if match1 and match2: header_line = Data_RequestHeader( type=Type.REQUEST, method=Enum_Method.get(self.decode(para1)), uri=self.decode(para2), version=self.decode('version')), ) elif match3 and match4: header_line = Data_ResponseHeader( type=Type.RESPONSE, version=self.decode('version')), status=Enum_StatusCode.get(int(para2)), message=self.decode(para3), ) else: raise ProtocolError('HTTP: invalid format') header_fields = OrderedMultiDict() # type: OrderedMultiDict[str, str] for item in lists: key = self.decode(item[0].strip()) value = self.decode(item[1].strip()) header_fields.add(key, value) return header_line, header_fields
[docs] def _read_http_body(self, body: 'bytes', *, headers: 'OrderedMultiDict[str, str]') -> 'Any': """Read HTTP/1.* body. Args: body: HTTP body data. headers: HTTP header fields. Returns: Raw HTTP body. """ return body