Source code for pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mypy: disable-error-code=dict-item
"""PCAP-NG File Format

.. module:: pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng

:mod:`pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng` contains
:class:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG` only,
which implements extractor for PCAP-NG file format [*]_.

.. [*]

import collections
import datetime
import decimal
import enum
import io
import math
import os
import platform
import re
import struct
import sys
import textwrap
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast, overload

from pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type import BlockType as Enum_BlockType
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.filter_type import FilterType as Enum_FilterType
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.hash_algorithm import HashAlgorithm as Enum_HashAlgorithm
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type import OptionType as Enum_OptionType
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.record_type import RecordType as Enum_RecordType
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.secrets_type import SecretsType as Enum_SecretsType
from pcapkit.const.pcapng.verdict_type import VerdictType as Enum_VerdictType
from pcapkit.const.reg.linktype import LinkType as Enum_LinkType
from pcapkit.corekit.module import ModuleDescriptor
from pcapkit.corekit.multidict import OrderedMultiDict
from pcapkit.corekit.version import VersionInfo
from import PCAPNG as Data_PCAPNG
from import CommentOption as Data_CommentOption
from import CustomBlock as Data_CustomBlock
from import CustomOption as Data_CustomOption
from import DecryptionSecretsBlock as Data_DecryptionSecretsBlock
from import DSBSecrets as Data_DSBSecrets
from import EndOfOption as Data_EndOfOption
from import EndRecord as Data_EndRecord
from import EnhancedPacketBlock as Data_EnhancedPacketBlock
from import EPB_DropCountOption as Data_EPB_DropCountOption
from import EPB_FlagsOption as Data_EPB_FlagsOption
from import EPB_HashOption as Data_EPB_HashOption
from import EPB_PacketIDOption as Data_EPB_PacketIDOption
from import EPB_QueueOption as Data_EPB_QueueOption
from import EPB_VerdictOption as Data_EPB_VerdictOption
from import IF_DescriptionOption as Data_IF_DescriptionOption
from import IF_EUIAddrOption as Data_IF_EUIAddrOption
from import IF_FCSLenOption as Data_IF_FCSLenOption
from import IF_FilterOption as Data_IF_FilterOption
from import IF_HardwareOption as Data_IF_HardwareOption
from import IF_IPv4AddrOption as Data_IF_IPv4AddrOption
from import IF_IPv6AddrOption as Data_IF_IPv6AddrOption
from import IF_MACAddrOption as Data_IF_MACAddrOption
from import IF_NameOption as Data_IF_NameOption
from import IF_OSOption as Data_IF_OSOption
from import IF_RxSpeedOption as Data_IF_RxSpeedOption
from import IF_SpeedOption as Data_IF_SpeedOption
from import IF_TSOffsetOption as Data_IF_TSOffsetOption
from import IF_TSResolOption as Data_IF_TSResolOption
from import IF_TxSpeedOption as Data_IF_TxSpeedOption
from import IF_TZoneOption as Data_IF_TZoneOption
from import \
    InterfaceDescriptionBlock as Data_InterfaceDescriptionBlock
from import \
    InterfaceStatisticsBlock as Data_InterfaceStatisticsBlock
from import IPv4Record as Data_IPv4Record
from import IPv6Record as Data_IPv6Record
from import ISB_EndTimeOption as Data_ISB_EndTimeOption
from import ISB_FilterAcceptOption as Data_ISB_FilterAcceptOption
from import ISB_IFDropOption as Data_ISB_IFDropOption
from import ISB_IFRecvOption as Data_ISB_IFRecvOption
from import ISB_OSDropOption as Data_ISB_OSDropOption
from import ISB_StartTimeOption as Data_ISB_StartTimeOption
from import ISB_UsrDelivOption as Data_ISB_UsrDelivOption
from import NameResolutionBlock as Data_NameResolutionBlock
from import NameResolutionRecord as Data_NameResolutionRecord
from import NS_DNSIP4AddrOption as Data_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption
from import NS_DNSIP6AddrOption as Data_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption
from import NS_DNSNameOption as Data_NS_DNSNameOption
from import Option as Data_Option
from import PACK_FlagsOption as Data_PACK_FlagsOption
from import PACK_HashOption as Data_PACK_HashOption
from import PacketBlock as Data_PacketBlock
from import SectionHeaderBlock as Data_SectionHeaderBlock
from import SimplePacketBlock as Data_SimplePacketBlock
from import \
    SystemdJournalExportBlock as Data_SystemdJournalExportBlock
from import TLSKeyLog as Data_TLSKeyLog
from import UnknownBlock as Data_UnknownBlock
from import UnknownOption as Data_UnknownOption
from import UnknownRecord as Data_UnknownRecord
from import UnknownSecrets as Data_UnknownSecrets
from import WireGuardKeyLog as Data_WireGuardKeyLog
from import ZigBeeAPSKey as Data_ZigBeeAPSKey
from import ZigBeeNWKKey as Data_ZigBeeNWKKey
from pcapkit.protocols.protocol import ProtocolBase as Protocol
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import PCAPNG as Schema_PCAPNG
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import BlockType as Schema_BlockType
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import CommentOption as Schema_CommentOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import CustomBlock as Schema_CustomBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import CustomOption as Schema_CustomOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import \
    DecryptionSecretsBlock as Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import DSBSecrets as Schema_DSBSecrets
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EndOfOption as Schema_EndOfOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EndRecord as Schema_EndRecord
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EnhancedPacketBlock as Schema_EnhancedPacketBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_DropCountOption as Schema_EPB_DropCountOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_FlagsOption as Schema_EPB_FlagsOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_HashOption as Schema_EPB_HashOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_PacketIDOption as Schema_EPB_PacketIDOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_QueueOption as Schema_EPB_QueueOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import EPB_VerdictOption as Schema_EPB_VerdictOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_DescriptionOption as Schema_IF_DescriptionOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_EUIAddrOption as Schema_IF_EUIAddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_FCSLenOption as Schema_IF_FCSLenOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_FilterOption as Schema_IF_FilterOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_HardwareOption as Schema_IF_HardwareOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_IPv4AddrOption as Schema_IF_IPv4AddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_IPv6AddrOption as Schema_IF_IPv6AddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_MACAddrOption as Schema_IF_MACAddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_NameOption as Schema_IF_NameOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_OSOption as Schema_IF_OSOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_RxSpeedOption as Schema_IF_RxSpeedOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_SpeedOption as Schema_IF_SpeedOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_TSOffsetOption as Schema_IF_TSOffsetOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_TSResolOption as Schema_IF_TSResolOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_TxSpeedOption as Schema_IF_TxSpeedOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IF_TZoneOption as Schema_IF_TZoneOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import \
    InterfaceDescriptionBlock as Schema_InterfaceDescriptionBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import \
    InterfaceStatisticsBlock as Schema_InterfaceStatisticsBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IPv4Record as Schema_IPv4Record
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import IPv6Record as Schema_IPv6Record
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_EndTimeOption as Schema_ISB_EndTimeOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import \
    ISB_FilterAcceptOption as Schema_ISB_FilterAcceptOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_IFDropOption as Schema_ISB_IFDropOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_IFRecvOption as Schema_ISB_IFRecvOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_OSDropOption as Schema_ISB_OSDropOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_StartTimeOption as Schema_ISB_StartTimeOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ISB_UsrDelivOption as Schema_ISB_UsrDelivOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import NameResolutionBlock as Schema_NameResolutionBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import NameResolutionRecord as Schema_NameResolutionRecord
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import NS_DNSIP4AddrOption as Schema_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import NS_DNSIP6AddrOption as Schema_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import NS_DNSNameOption as Schema_NS_DNSNameOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import PACK_FlagsOption as Schema_PACK_FlagsOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import PACK_HashOption as Schema_PACK_HashOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import PacketBlock as Schema_PacketBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import SectionHeaderBlock as Schema_SectionHeaderBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import SimplePacketBlock as Schema_SimplePacketBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import \
    SystemdJournalExportBlock as Schema_SystemdJournalExportBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import TLSKeyLog as Schema_TLSKeyLog
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import UnknownBlock as Schema_UnknownBlock
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import UnknownOption as Schema_UnknownOption
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import UnknownRecord as Schema_UnknownRecord
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import UnknownSecrets as Schema_UnknownSecrets
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import WireGuardKeyLog as Schema_WireGuardKeyLog
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ZigBeeAPSKey as Schema_ZigBeeAPSKey
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import ZigBeeNWKKey as Schema_ZigBeeNWKKey
from pcapkit.utilities.compat import StrEnum, localcontext
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import ProtocolError, RegistryError, UnsupportedCall, stacklevel
from pcapkit.utilities.warnings import (AttributeWarning, DeprecatedFormatWarning, ProtocolWarning,
                                        RegistryWarning, warn)

__all__ = ['PCAPNG']

    from datetime import datetime as dt_type
    from datetime import timedelta, timezone
    from decimal import Decimal
    from enum import IntEnum as StdlibEnum
    from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Interface, IPv6Address, IPv6Interface
    from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Counter, DefaultDict, Optional, Type, Union

    from aenum import IntEnum as AenumEnum
    from mypy_extensions import DefaultArg, KwArg, NamedArg
    from typing_extensions import Literal

    from import Context
    from pcapkit.protocols.schema.misc.pcapng import Option as Schema_Option
    from pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema import Schema

    Packet = Union[Data_EnhancedPacketBlock, Data_SimplePacketBlock, Data_PacketBlock]
    Option = OrderedMultiDict[Enum_OptionType, Data_Option]
    Record = OrderedMultiDict[Enum_RecordType, Data_NameResolutionRecord]

    BlockParser = Callable[[Schema_BlockType, NamedArg(Schema_PCAPNG, 'header')], Data_PCAPNG]
    BlockConstructor = Callable[[DefaultArg(Optional[Data_PCAPNG]),
                                 KwArg(Any)], Schema_BlockType]

    OptionParser = Callable[[Schema_Option, NamedArg(Option, 'options')], Data_Option]
    OptionConstructor = Callable[[Enum_OptionType, DefaultArg(Optional[Data_Option]),
                                  KwArg(Any)], Schema_Option]

    RecordParser = Callable[[Schema_NameResolutionRecord, NamedArg(Record, 'records')], Data_NameResolutionRecord]
    RecordConstructor = Callable[[Enum_RecordType, DefaultArg(Optional[Data_NameResolutionRecord]),
                                  KwArg(Any)], Schema_NameResolutionRecord]

    SecretsParser = Callable[[Schema_DSBSecrets, NamedArg(Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock, 'block')], Data_DSBSecrets]
    SecretsConstructor = Callable[[Enum_SecretsType, DefaultArg(Optional[Data_DSBSecrets]),
                                   KwArg(Any)], Schema_DSBSecrets]

# check Python version
py37 = ((version_info := sys.version_info).major >= 3 and version_info.minor >= 7)
py38 = ((version_info := sys.version_info).major >= 3 and version_info.minor >= 8)

# Ethernet address pattern
PAT_MAC_ADDR = re.compile(rb'(?i)(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[:-]){5}[0-9a-f]{2}')
# EUI address pattern
PAT_EUI_ADDR = re.compile(rb'(?i)(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[:-]){7}[0-9a-f]{2}')

[docs] class PacketDirection(enum.IntEnum): """Packet direction for ``epb_flags`` options.""" #: Information not available. UNKNOWN = 0b00 #: Inbound packet. INBOUND = 0b01 #: Outbound packet. OUTBOUND = 0b10
[docs] class PacketReception(enum.IntEnum): """Reception type for ``epb_flags`` options.""" #: Not specified. UNKNOWN = 0b000 #: Unicast. UNICAST = 0b001 #: Multicast. MULTICAST = 0b010 #: Broadcast. BROADCAST = 0b011 #: Promiscuous. PROMISCUOUS = 0b100
[docs] class PCAPNG(Protocol[Data_PCAPNG, Schema_PCAPNG], schema=Schema_PCAPNG, data=Data_PCAPNG): """PCAP-NG file block extractor. The class currently supports parsing of the following protocols, which are registered in the :attr:`self.__proto__ <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG.__proto__>` attribute: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Index - Protocol * - :attr:`pcapkit.const.reg.linktype.LinkType.ETHERNET` - :class:`` * - :attr:`pcapkit.const.reg.linktype.LinkType.IPV4` - :class:`pcapkit.protocols.internet.ipv4.IPv4` * - :attr:`pcapkit.const.reg.linktype.LinkType.IPV6` - :class:`pcapkit.protocols.internet.ipv6.IPv6` The class currently supports parsing of the following block types, which are registered in the :attr:`self.__block__ <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG.__block__>` attribute: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Block Type - Block Parser - Block Constructor * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Section_Header_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_shb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_shb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Interface_Description_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_idb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_idb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_epb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_epb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Simple_Packet_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_spb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_spb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_nrb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_nrb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_isb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_isb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.systemd_Journal_Export_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_systemd` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_systemd` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Decryption_Secrets_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_dsb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_dsb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Custom_Block_that_rewriters_can_copy_into_new_files` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_cb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_cb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Custom_Block_that_rewriters_should_not_copy_into_new_files` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_cb` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_cb` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.block_type.BlockType.Packet_Block` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_block_packet` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_block_packet` The class currently supports parsing of the following option types, which are registered in the :attr:`self.__option__ <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG.__option__>` attribute: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Option Type - Option Parser - Option Constructor * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.opt_endofopt` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_endofopt` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_endofopt` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.opt_comment` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_comment` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_comment` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_name` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_name` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_name` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_description` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_description` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_description` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_IPv4addr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_ipv4` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_ipv4` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_IPv6addr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_ipv6` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_ipv6` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_MACaddr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_mac` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_mac` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_EUIaddr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_eui` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_eui` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_speed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_speed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_speed` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_tsresol` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_tsresol` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_tsresol` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_tzone` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_tzone` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_tzone` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_filter` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_filter` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_filter` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_os` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_os` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_os` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_fcslen` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_fcslen` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_fcslen` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_tsoffset` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_tsoffset` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_tsoffset` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_hardware` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_hardware` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_hardware` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_txspeed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_txspeed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_txspeed` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.if_rxspeed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_if_rxspeed` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_if_rxspeed` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_flags` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_flags` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_flags` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_hash` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_hash` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_hash` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_dropcount` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_dropcount` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_dropcount` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_packetid` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_packetid` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_packetid` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_queue` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_queue` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_queue` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.epb_verdict` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_verdict` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_verdict` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.ns_dnsname` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_ns_dnsname` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_ns_dnsname` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.ns_dnsIP4addr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_ns_dnsipv4` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_ns_dnsipv4` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.ns_dnsIP6addr` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_ns_dnsipv6` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_ns_dnsipv6` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_starttime` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_starttime` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_starttime` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_endtime` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_endtime` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_endtime` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_ifrecv` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_ifrecv` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_ifrecv` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_ifdrop` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_ifdrop` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_ifdrop` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_filteraccept` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_filteraccept` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_filteraccept` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_osdrop` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_osdrop` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_osdrop` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.isb_usrdeliv` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_isb_usrdeliv` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_isb_usrdeliv` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.pack_flags` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_flags` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_flags` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.option_type.OptionType.pack_hash` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_option_epb_hash` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_option_epb_hash` The class currently supports parsing of the following :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record types, which are registered in the :attr:`self.__record__ <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG.__record__>` attribute: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Record Type - Record Parser - Record Constructor * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.record_type.RecordType.nrb_record_end` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_record_end` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_record_end` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.record_type.RecordType.nrb_record_ipv4` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_record_ipv4` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_record_ipv4` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.record_type.RecordType.nrb_record_ipv6` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_record_ipv6` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_record_ipv6` The class currently supports parsing of the following decryption secrets types, which are registered in the :attr:`self.__secrets__ <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG.__secrets__>` attribute: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Secrets Type - Secrets Parser - Secrets Constructor * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.secrets_type.SecretsType.TLS_Key_Log` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_secrets_tls` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_secrets_tls` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.secrets_type.SecretsType.WireGuard_Key_Log` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_secrets_wireguard` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_secrets_wireguard` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.secrets_type.SecretsType.ZigBee_NWK_Key` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_secrets_zigbee_nwk` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_secrets_zigbee_nwk` * - :attr:`~pcapkit.const.pcapng.secrets_type.SecretsType.ZigBee_APS_Key` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._read_secrets_zigbee_aps` - :meth:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._make_secrets_zigbee_aps` """ if TYPE_CHECKING: #: PCAP-NG context manager. _ctx: 'Optional[Context]' #: PCAP-NG block type. _type: Enum_BlockType #: PCAP-NG block byteorder. _byte: 'Literal["little", "big"]' PACKET_TYPES = (Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block, Enum_BlockType.Simple_Packet_Block, Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block) ########################################################################## # Defaults. ########################################################################## #: DefaultDict[Enum_LinkType, ModuleDescriptor[Protocol] | Type[Protocol]]: Protocol index mapping for #: decoding next layer, c.f. :meth:`self._decode_next_layer <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._decode_next_layer>` #: & :meth:`self._import_next_layer <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._import_next_layer>`. #: The values should be a tuple representing the module name and class name, #: or a :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol` subclass. __proto__ = collections.defaultdict( lambda: ModuleDescriptor('pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw', 'Raw'), { Enum_LinkType.ETHERNET: ModuleDescriptor('', 'Ethernet'), Enum_LinkType.IPV4: ModuleDescriptor('pcapkit.protocols.internet', 'IPv4'), Enum_LinkType.IPV6: ModuleDescriptor('pcapkit.protocols.internet', 'IPv6'), }, ) # type: DefaultDict[Enum_LinkType | int, ModuleDescriptor[Protocol] | Type[Protocol]] #: DefaultDict[Enum_BlockType, str | tuple[BlockParser, BlockConstructor]]: Block #: type to method mapping. Method names are expected to be referred #: to the class by ``_read_block_${name}`` and/or ``_make_block_${name}``, #: and if such name not found, the value should then be a method that can #: parse the block by itself. __block__ = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'unknown', { Enum_BlockType.Section_Header_Block: 'shb', Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: 'idb', Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: 'epb', Enum_BlockType.Simple_Packet_Block: 'spb', Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: 'nrb', Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: 'isb', Enum_BlockType.systemd_Journal_Export_Block: 'systemd', Enum_BlockType.Decryption_Secrets_Block: 'dsb', Enum_BlockType.Custom_Block_that_rewriters_can_copy_into_new_files: 'cb', Enum_BlockType.Custom_Block_that_rewriters_should_not_copy_into_new_files: 'cb', Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block: 'packet', }, ) # type: DefaultDict[Enum_BlockType | int, str | tuple[BlockParser, BlockConstructor]] #: DefaultDict[Enum_OptionType, str | tuple[OptionParser, OptionConstructor]]: Block #: option type to method mapping. Method names are expected to be #: referred to the class by ``_read_option_${name}`` and/or ``_make_option_${name}``, #: and if such name not found, the value should then be a method that can #: parse the option by itself. __option__ = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'unknown', { Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: 'endofopt', Enum_OptionType.opt_comment: 'comment', Enum_OptionType.opt_custom_2988: 'custom', Enum_OptionType.opt_custom_2989: 'custom', Enum_OptionType.opt_custom_19372: 'custom', Enum_OptionType.opt_custom_19373: 'custom', Enum_OptionType.if_name: 'if_name', Enum_OptionType.if_description: 'if_description', Enum_OptionType.if_IPv4addr: 'if_ipv4', Enum_OptionType.if_IPv6addr: 'if_ipv6', Enum_OptionType.if_MACaddr: 'if_mac', Enum_OptionType.if_EUIaddr: 'if_eui', Enum_OptionType.if_speed: 'if_speed', Enum_OptionType.if_tsresol: 'if_tsresol', Enum_OptionType.if_tzone: 'if_tzone', Enum_OptionType.if_filter: 'if_filter', Enum_OptionType.if_os: 'if_os', Enum_OptionType.if_fcslen: 'if_fcslen', Enum_OptionType.if_tsoffset: 'if_tsoffset', Enum_OptionType.if_hardware: 'if_hardware', Enum_OptionType.if_txspeed: 'if_txspeed', Enum_OptionType.if_rxspeed: 'if_rxspeed', Enum_OptionType.epb_flags: 'epb_flags', Enum_OptionType.epb_hash: 'epb_hash', Enum_OptionType.epb_dropcount: 'epb_dropcount', Enum_OptionType.epb_packetid: 'epb_packetid', Enum_OptionType.epb_queue: 'epb_queue', Enum_OptionType.epb_verdict: 'epb_verdict', Enum_OptionType.ns_dnsname: 'ns_dnsname', Enum_OptionType.ns_dnsIP4addr: 'ns_dnsipv4', Enum_OptionType.ns_dnsIP6addr: 'ns_dnsipv6', Enum_OptionType.isb_starttime: 'isb_starttime', Enum_OptionType.isb_endtime: 'isb_endtime', Enum_OptionType.isb_ifrecv: 'isb_ifrecv', Enum_OptionType.isb_ifdrop: 'isb_ifdrop', Enum_OptionType.isb_filteraccept: 'isb_filteraccept', Enum_OptionType.isb_osdrop: 'isb_osdrop', Enum_OptionType.isb_usrdeliv: 'isb_usrdeliv', Enum_OptionType.pack_flags: 'pack_flags', Enum_OptionType.pack_hash: 'pack_hash', }, ) # type: DefaultDict[Enum_OptionType | int, str | tuple[OptionParser, OptionConstructor]] #: DefaultDict[Enum_RecordType, str | tuple[RecordParser, RecordConstructor]]: :manpage:`systemd(1)` #: Journal Export record type to method mapping. Method names are expected #: to be referred to the class by ``_read_record_${name}`` and/or ``_make_record_${name}``, #: and if such name not found, the value should then be a method that can #: parse the name record by itself. __record__ = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'unknown', { Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: 'end', Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_ipv4: 'ipv4', Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_ipv6: 'ipv6', }, ) # type: DefaultDict[Enum_RecordType | int, str | tuple[RecordParser, RecordConstructor]] #: DefaultDict[Enum_SecretsType, str | tuple[SecretsParser, SecretsConstructor]]: Decryption #: secrets type to method mapping. Method names are expected to #: be referred to the class by ``_read_secrets_${name}`` and/or ``_make_secrets_${name}``, #: and if such name not found, the value should then be a method that can #: parse the decryption secrets by itself. __secrets__ = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 'unknown', { Enum_SecretsType.TLS_Key_Log: 'tls', Enum_SecretsType.WireGuard_Key_Log: 'wireguard', Enum_SecretsType.ZigBee_NWK_Key: 'zigbee_nwk', Enum_SecretsType.ZigBee_APS_Key: 'zigbee_aps', }, ) # type: DefaultDict[Enum_SecretsType | int, str | tuple[SecretsParser, SecretsConstructor]] ########################################################################## # Properties. ########################################################################## @property def name(self) -> 'str': """Name of corresponding protocol.""" if self._info.type not in self.PACKET_TYPES: return f'PCAP-NG {self._info.type!r} - Section {self._sect}' return f'Frame {self._sect}-{self._fnum}' @property def length(self) -> 'int': """Header length of corresponding protocol.""" return self._info.length @property def context(self) -> 'Context': """Context of current PCAP-NG block.""" if self._ctx is None: raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'context'") return self._ctx @property def byteorder(self) -> 'Literal["big", "little"]': """Byteorder of the current block.""" return self._byte @property def nanosecond(self) -> 'bool': """Whether the timestamp is in nanosecond.""" return self.ts_resolution > 1_000_000 @property def ts_resolution(self) -> 'int': """Timestamp resolution of the current block, in units per second.""" if self._ctx is None: #raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_resolution'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_resolution'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return 1_000_000 info = cast('Packet', self._info) return self._get_resolution(info.interface_id) @property def ts_offset(self) -> 'int': """Timestamp offset of the current block, in seconds.""" if self._ctx is None: #raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_offset'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_offset'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return 0 info = cast('Packet', self._info) return self._get_offset(info.interface_id) @property def ts_timezone(self) -> 'timezone': """Timezone of the current block.""" if self._ctx is None: #raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_timezone'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'ts_timezone'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return self._get_local_timezone() info = cast('Packet', self._info) return self._get_timezone(info.interface_id) @property def linktype(self) -> 'Enum_LinkType': """Data link layer protocol type. Raises: UnsupportedCall: If current block is not a valid packet block, i.e., EPB, ISB or obsolete Packet Block. """ if self._ctx is None or self._type not in self.PACKET_TYPES: raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'linktype'") info = cast('Packet', self._info) return self._get_linktype(info.interface_id) @property def block(self) -> 'Enum_BlockType': """PCAP-NG block type.""" return self._type ########################################################################## # Methods. ##########################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, code: 'Enum_LinkType', protocol: 'ModuleDescriptor[Protocol] | Type[Protocol]') -> 'None': # type: ignore[override] r"""Register a new protocol class. Notes: The full qualified class name of the new protocol class should be as ``{protocol.module}.{}``. Arguments: code: protocol code as in :class:`~pcapkit.const.reg.linktype.LinkType` protocol: module descriptor or a :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol` subclass """ if isinstance(protocol, ModuleDescriptor): protocol = protocol.klass if not issubclass(protocol, Protocol): raise RegistryError(f'protocol must be a Protocol subclass, not {protocol!r}') if code in cls.__proto__: warn(f'protocol {code} already registered, overwriting', RegistryWarning) cls.__proto__[code] = protocol
[docs] @classmethod def register_block(cls, code: 'Enum_BlockType', meth: 'str | tuple[BlockParser, BlockConstructor]') -> 'None': """Register a block parser. Args: code: PCAP-NG block type code. meth: Method name or callable to parse and/or construct the block. """ if code in cls.__block__: warn(f'PCAP-NG: [Type {code}] block already registered', RegistryWarning) cls.__block__[code] = meth
[docs] @classmethod def register_option(cls, code: 'Enum_OptionType', meth: 'str | tuple[OptionParser, OptionConstructor]') -> 'None': """Register a option parser. Args: code: PCAP-NG option type code. meth: Method name or callable to parse and/or construct the option. """ if code in cls.__option__: warn(f'PCAP-NG: [Option {code}] option already registered', RegistryWarning) cls.__option__[code] = meth
[docs] @classmethod def register_record(cls, code: 'Enum_RecordType', meth: 'str | tuple[RecordParser, RecordConstructor]') -> 'None': """Register a :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record parser. Args: code: PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record type code. meth: Method name or callable to parse and/or construct the :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record. """ if code in cls.__record__: warn(f'PCAP-NG: [Type {code}] :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record already registered', RegistryWarning) cls.__record__[code] = meth
[docs] @classmethod def register_secrets(cls, code: 'Enum_SecretsType', meth: 'str | tuple[SecretsParser, SecretsConstructor]') -> 'None': """Register a decryption secrets parser. Args: code: PCAP-NG decryption secrets type code. meth: Method name or callable to parse and/or construct the decryption secrets. """ if code in cls.__secrets__: warn(f'PCAP-NG: [Secrets {code}] decryption secrets already registered', RegistryWarning) cls.__secrets__[code] = meth
[docs] def index(self, name: 'str | Protocol | Type[Protocol]') -> 'int': """Call :meth:`ProtoChain.index <pcapkit.corekit.protochain.ProtoChain.index>`. Args: name: ``name`` to be searched Returns: First index of ``name``. Raises: IndexNotFound: if ``name`` is not present """ return self._protos.index(name)
[docs] def pack(self, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'bytes': """Pack (construct) packet data. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed packet data. Notes: We used a special keyword argument ``__packet__`` to pass the global packet data to underlying methods. This is useful when the packet data is not available in the current instance. """ self.__header__ = self.make(**kwargs) packet = kwargs.get('__packet__', {}) # packet data if self._ctx is not None: self._byte = self._ctx.section.byteorder packet['byteorder'] = self._byte return self.__header__.pack(packet)
[docs] def unpack(self, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Data_PCAPNG': """Unpack (parse) packet data. Args: length: Length of packet data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Parsed packet data. Notes: We used a special keyword argument ``__packet__`` to pass the global packet data to underlying methods. This is useful when the packet data is not available in the current instance. """ if cast('Optional[Schema_PCAPNG]', self.__header__) is None: packet = kwargs.get('__packet__', {}) # packet data if self._ctx is not None: self._byte = self._ctx.section.byteorder packet['byteorder'] = self._byte self.__header__ = cast('Schema_PCAPNG', self.__schema__.unpack(self._file, length, packet)) # type: ignore[call-arg,misc] data =, **kwargs) data.__update__(packet=self.packet.payload) return data
[docs] def read(self, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, *, _read: 'bool' = True, _seek_set: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Data_PCAPNG': r"""Read PCAP-NG file blocks. Structure of PCAP-NG file blocks: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 / Block Body / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: length: Length of data to be read. \_read: If the class is called in a parsing scenario. \_seek_set: File offset before reading. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ schema = self.__header__ if schema.block.length < 12 or schema.block.length % 4 != 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [Block {schema.type}] invalid length: {schema.block.length}') self._type = schema.type if schema.type == Enum_BlockType.Section_Header_Block: self._sect += 1 self._ctx = None name = self.__block__[schema.type] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_read_block_{name}' meth = cast('BlockParser', getattr(self, meth_name, self._read_block_unknown)) else: meth = name[0] block = meth(schema.block, header=schema) if not _read: # move backward to the beginning of the packet, io.SEEK_SET) else: # NOTE: We create a copy of the block data here for parsing # scenarios to keep the original packet data intact. seek_cur = _seek_set + block.length # move backward to the beginning of the block, io.SEEK_SET) #: bytes: Raw block data. self._data = self._read_fileng(schema.block.length) # move backward to the beginning of next block, io.SEEK_SET) #: io.BytesIO: Source packet stream. self._file = io.BytesIO(self._data) return block
[docs] def make(self, type: 'Enum_BlockType | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = Enum_BlockType.Simple_Packet_Block, type_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, type_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long type_reversed: 'bool' = False, block: 'bytes | Data_PCAPNG | Schema_BlockType | dict[str, Any]' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_PCAPNG': """Make PCAP-NG block data. Args: type: Block type. type_default: Default block type. type_namespace: Block type namespace. type_reversed: Whether to reverse block type namespace. block: Block data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed packet data. """ type_val = cast('Enum_BlockType', self._make_index(type, type_default, namespace=type_namespace, reversed=type_reversed, pack=False)) self._type = type_val if isinstance(block, bytes): block_val = block # type: bytes | Schema_BlockType elif isinstance(block, (dict, Data_PCAPNG)): name = self.__block__[type_val] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_block_{name}' meth = cast('BlockConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_block_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] if isinstance(block, dict): block_val = meth(**block) else: block_val = meth(block) elif isinstance(block, Schema): block_val = block else: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [Type {type_val}] invalid format') return Schema_PCAPNG( type=type_val, block=block_val, )
########################################################################## # Data models. ########################################################################## @overload def __post_init__(self, file: 'IO[bytes] | bytes', length: 'Optional[int]' = ..., *, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ num: 'int', sct: 'int', ctx: 'Context', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'None': ... @overload def __post_init__(self, *, num: 'int', sct: 'int', ctx: 'Context', # pylint: disable=arguments-differ **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'None': ...
[docs] def __post_init__(self, file: 'Optional[IO[bytes] | bytes]' = None, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, *, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ num: 'int', sct: 'int', ctx: 'Context', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'None': """Initialisation. Args: file: Source packet stream. length: Length of packet data. num: Frame index number. sct: Section index number. ctx: Section context of the PCAP-NG file. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Notes: For the first block, ``num`` will be set to ``0`` and ctx as :obj:`None`, such that we can be sure that the first block is the section header block. See Also: For construction argument, please refer to :meth:`make`. """ #: int: Section index number. self._sect = sct #: int: Block index number. self._fnum = num #: Context of the PCAP-NG file. self._ctx = ctx #: collections.Counter: Counter for option types. self._opt = collections.Counter() # type: Counter[Enum_OptionType] if file is None: _read = False #: bytes: Raw packet data. self._data = self.pack(**kwargs) #: io.BytesIO: Source packet stream. self._file = io.BytesIO(self._data) else: _read = True #: io.BytesIO: Source packet stream. self._file = io.BytesIO(file) if isinstance(file, bytes) else file _seek_set = self._file.tell() #: pcapkit.corekit.infoclass.Info: Parsed packet data. self._info = self.unpack(length, _read=_read, _seek_set=_seek_set, **kwargs)
def __length_hint__(self) -> 'Literal[12]': """Return an estimated length for the object.""" return 12 # NOTE: This is a hack to make the ``__index__`` method work both as a # class method and an instance method.
[docs] def __index__(self: 'Optional[PCAPNG]' = None) -> 'int': # type: ignore[override] """Index of the block. Args: self: :class:`PCAPNG` object or :obj:`None`. Returns: If the object is initiated, i.e. :attr:`self._fnum <pcapkit.protocols.misc.pcapng.PCAPNG._fnum>` exists, and is of a packet block (EPB, ISB or Packet), returns the block index number of itself; else raises :exc:`UnsupportedCall`. Raises: UnsupportedCall: This protocol has no registry entry. """ if self is None or self._info.type not in self.PACKET_TYPES: raise UnsupportedCall("'PCAPNG' object cannot be interpreted as an integer") return self._fnum
########################################################################## # Utilities. ##########################################################################
[docs] def _get_payload(self) -> 'bytes': """Get payload of :attr:`self.__header__ <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol.__header__>`. Returns: Payload of :attr:`self.__header__ <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol.__header__>` as :obj:`bytes`. See Also: This is a wrapper function for :meth:`pcapkit.protocols.schema.Schema.get_payload`. """ return self.__header__.block.get_payload()
@staticmethod def _get_local_timezone() -> 'timezone': """Get local timezone.""" tzinfo = if tzinfo is None: return datetime.timezone.utc return cast('timezone', tzinfo) def _get_resolution(self, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'int': """Timestamp resolution of the current block, in units per second. Args: interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Timestamp resolution of the current block, in units per second. """ if self._ctx is None: # raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_resolution'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_resolution'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return 1_000_000 options = self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].options tsresol = cast('Optional[Data_IF_TSResolOption]', options.get(Enum_OptionType.if_tsresol)) if tsresol is None: return 1_000_000 return tsresol.resolution def _get_offset(self, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'int': """Timestamp offset of the current block, in seconds. Args: interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Timestamp offset of the current block, in seconds. """ if self._ctx is None: # raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_offset'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_offset'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return 0 options = self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].options tsoffset = cast('Optional[Data_IF_TSOffsetOption]', options.get(Enum_OptionType.if_tsoffset)) if tsoffset is None: return 0 return tsoffset.offset def _get_timezone(self, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'timezone': """Timezone of the current block. Args: interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Timezone of the current block. """ if self._ctx is None: # raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_timezone'") warn(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_timezone'", AttributeWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) return self._get_timezone() options = self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].options tzone = cast('Optional[Data_IF_TZoneOption]', options.get(Enum_OptionType.if_tzone)) if tzone is None: return self._get_local_timezone() return tzone.timezone def _get_linktype(self, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'Enum_LinkType': """Data link layer protocol ty Args: interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Data link layer protocol type. Raises: UnsupportedCall: If current block is not a valid packet block, i.e., EPB, ISB or obsolete Packet Block. """ if self._ctx is None or self._type not in self.PACKET_TYPES: raise UnsupportedCall(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '_get_linktype'") return self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].linktype def _read_timestamp(self, timestamp_high: 'int', timestamp_low: 'int', *, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'tuple[dt_type, Decimal]': """Read timestmap. Args: timestamp_high: Higher 32-bit integer value of timestamp. timestamp_low: Lower 32-bit integer value of timestamp. interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Tuple of timestamp in :class:`~datetime.datetime` object with timezone information and :class:`decimal.Decimal` object since UNIX-Epoch in UTC timezone. """ tzone = self._get_timezone(interface_id) timestamp_raw = (timestamp_high << 32) | timestamp_low with localcontext(prec=64): timestamp_epoch = decimal.Decimal(timestamp_raw) / self._get_resolution(interface_id) + \ self._get_offset(interface_id) ts_decimal = timestamp_epoch + decimal.Decimal( tzone.utcoffset(None).total_seconds()) ts_ratio = timestamp_epoch.as_integer_ratio() try: ts_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_ratio[0] / ts_ratio[1], tzone) except ValueError: warn(f'PCAP-NG: [Block {self._type}] invalid timestamp: {ts_decimal}', ProtocolWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) ts_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, datetime.timezone.utc) return (ts_datetime, ts_decimal)
[docs] @classmethod def _make_data(cls, data: 'Data_PCAPNG') -> 'dict[str, Any]': # type: ignore[override] """Create key-value pairs from ``data`` for protocol construction. Args: data: protocol data Returns: Key-value pairs for protocol construction. """ return { 'type': data.type, 'block': data, }
def _make_timestamp(self, timestamp: 'Optional[float | Decimal | dt_type | int]' = None, *, interface_id: 'int' = 0) -> 'tuple[int, int]': """Make timestamp. Args: timestamp: Timestamp in seconds since UNIX-Epoch. interface_id: Interface ID that the current block associates with. Returns: Tuple of timestamp in higher and lower 32-bit integer value based on the given offset and timezone conversion. """ with localcontext(prec=64): if timestamp is None: if py37 and self.nanosecond: timestamp = decimal.Decimal(time.time_ns()) / 1_000_000_000 else: timestamp = decimal.Decimal(time.time()) else: if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): timestamp = timestamp.timestamp() timestamp = decimal.Decimal(timestamp) ts_info = int( (timestamp - self._get_offset(interface_id)) * self._get_resolution(interface_id) ) return (ts_info >> 32) & 0xFFFF_FFFF, ts_info & 0xFFFF_FFFF def _read_mac_addr(self, addr: 'bytes') -> 'str': """Read MAC address. Args: addr: MAC address. Returns: Colon (``:``) seperated *hex* encoded MAC address. """ if py38: _addr = addr.hex(':') else: _addr = ':'.join(textwrap.wrap(addr.hex(), 2)) return _addr def _read_eui_addr(self, addr: 'bytes') -> 'str': """Read EUI address. Args: addr: EUI address. Returns: Colon (``:``) seperated *hex* encoded EUI address. """ if py38: _addr = addr.hex(':') else: _addr = ':'.join(textwrap.wrap(addr.hex(), 2)) return _addr def _make_mac_addr(self, addr: 'str | bytes | bytearray') -> 'bytes': """Make MAC address. Args: addr: MAC address. Returns: MAC address. """ _addr = addr.encode() if isinstance(addr, str) else addr if PAT_MAC_ADDR.fullmatch(_addr) is not None: return _addr.replace(b':', b'').replace(b'-', b'') raise ProtocolError(f'invalid MAC address: {addr!r}') def _make_eui_addr(self, addr: 'str | bytes | bytearray') -> 'bytes': """Make EUI address. Args: addr: EUI address. Returns: EUI address. """ _addr = addr.encode() if isinstance(addr, str) else addr if PAT_EUI_ADDR.fullmatch(_addr) is not None: return _addr.replace(b':', b'').replace(b'-', b'') raise ProtocolError(f'invalid EUI address: {addr!r}')
[docs] def _decode_next_layer(self, dict_: 'Data_PCAPNG', proto: 'Optional[int]' = None, length: 'Optional[int]' = None, *, packet: 'Optional[dict[str, Any]]' = None) -> 'Data_PCAPNG': # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r"""Decode next layer protocol. Arguments: dict\_: info buffer proto: next layer protocol index length: valid (*non-padding*) length packet: packet info (passed from :meth:`self.unpack <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol.unpack>`) Returns: Current protocol with packet extracted. Notes: We added a new key ``__next_type__`` to ``dict_`` to store the next layer protocol type, and a new key ``__next_name__`` to store the next layer protocol name. These two keys will **NOT** be included when :meth:`Info.to_dict <pcapkit.corekit.infoclass.Info.to_dict>` is called. We also added a new key ``protocols`` to ``dict_`` to store the protocol chain of the current packet (frame). """ next_ = cast('Protocol', self._import_next_layer(proto, length, packet=packet)) # type: ignore[misc,call-arg,redundant-cast] info, chain =, next_.protochain # make next layer protocol name layer = next_.info_name # proto = next_.__class__.__name__ # write info and protocol chain into dict dict_.__update__({ layer: info, 'protocols': chain.chain if chain else '', '__next_type__': type(next_), '__next_name__': layer, }) self._next = next_ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._protos = chain # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init return dict_
[docs] def _read_block_unknown(self, schema: 'Schema_UnknownBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_UnknownBlock': """Read unknown PCAP-NG block. Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_UnknownBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, body=schema.body, ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_shb(self, schema: 'Schema_SectionHeaderBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_SectionHeaderBlock': """Read PCAP-NG section header block (SHB). Structure of Section Header Block: .. code-block:: text 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x0A0D0D0A | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Byte-Order Magic | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Major Version | Minor Version | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | | | Section Length | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 24 / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ self._byte = schema.byteorder data = Data_SectionHeaderBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, byteorder=schema.byteorder, version=VersionInfo( major=schema.major, minor=schema.minor, ), section_length=schema.section_length, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_idb(self, schema: 'Schema_InterfaceDescriptionBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_InterfaceDescriptionBlock': """Read PCAP-NG interface description block (IDB). Structure of Interface Description Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000001 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | LinkType | Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | SnapLen | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_InterfaceDescriptionBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, linktype=schema.linktype, snaplen=schema.snaplen, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_epb(self, schema: 'Schema_EnhancedPacketBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_EnhancedPacketBlock': """Read PCAP-NG enhanced packet block (EPB). Structure of Enhanced Packet Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000006 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Interface ID | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Timestamp (High) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | Timestamp (Low) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 20 | Captured Packet Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 24 | Original Packet Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 28 / / / Packet Data / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ timestamp, timestamp_epoch = self._read_timestamp(schema.timestamp_high, schema.timestamp_low, interface_id=schema.interface_id) data = Data_EnhancedPacketBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, section_number=self._sect, number=self._fnum, interface_id=schema.interface_id, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_epoch=timestamp_epoch, captured_len=schema.captured_len, original_len=schema.original_len, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return self._decode_next_layer(data, self._get_linktype(schema.interface_id), schema.captured_len) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def _read_block_spb(self, schema: 'Schema_SimplePacketBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_SimplePacketBlock': """Read PCAP-NG simple packet block (SPB). Structure of Simple Packet Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000003 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Original Packet Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 / / / Packet Data / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_SimplePacketBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, section_number=self._sect, number=self._fnum, captured_len=len(schema.packet_data), original_len=schema.original_len, ) return self._decode_next_layer(data, self._get_linktype(0), data.captured_len) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def _read_block_nrb(self, schema: 'Schema_NameResolutionBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_NameResolutionBlock': """Read PCAP-NG name resolution block (NRB). Structure of Name Resolution Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000004 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Record Type | Record Value Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 / Record Value / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ . . . . . . other records . . . . . . +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Record Type = nrb_record_end | Record Value Length = 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_NameResolutionBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, records=self._read_nrb_records(schema.records), options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_isb(self, schema: 'Schema_InterfaceStatisticsBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_InterfaceStatisticsBlock': """Read PCAP-NG interface statistics block (ISB). Structure of Interface Statistics Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000005 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Interface ID | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Timestamp (High) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | Timestamp (Low) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 20 / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ timestamp, timestamp_epoch = self._read_timestamp(schema.timestamp_high, schema.timestamp_low, interface_id=schema.interface_id) self._isb_interface_id = schema.interface_id data = Data_InterfaceStatisticsBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, interface_id=schema.interface_id, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_epoch=timestamp_epoch, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_systemd(self, schema: 'Schema_SystemdJournalExportBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_SystemdJournalExportBlock': """Read PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export block. Structure of :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000009 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 / / / Journal Entry / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_SystemdJournalExportBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, data=tuple(, ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_dsb(self, schema: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_DecryptionSecretsBlock': """Read PCAP-NG decryption secrets block (DSB). Structure of Decryption Secrets Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x0000000A | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Secrets Type | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Secrets Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 / / / Secrets Data / / (variable length, padded to 32 bits) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / Block Total Length / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ name = self.__secrets__[schema.secrets_type] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_read_secrets_{name}' meth = cast('SecretsParser', getattr(self, meth_name, self._read_secrets_unknown)) else: meth = name[0] secrets_data = meth(schema.secrets_data, block=schema) data = Data_DecryptionSecretsBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, secrets_type=schema.secrets_type, secrets_length=schema.secrets_length, secrets_data=secrets_data, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_cb(self, schema: 'Schema_CustomBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_CustomBlock': """Read PCAP-NG custom block (CB). Structure of Custom Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000BAD or 0x40000BAD | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Private Enterprise Number (PEN) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 / / / Custom Data / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ data = Data_CustomBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, pen=schema.pen,, ) return data
[docs] def _read_block_packet(self, schema: 'Schema_PacketBlock', *, header: 'Schema_PCAPNG') -> 'Data_PacketBlock': """Read PCAP-NG packet block (obsolete). Structure of Packet Block: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 0 | Block Type = 0x00000002 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Interface ID | Drops Count | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Timestamp (High) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | Timestamp (Low) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 20 | Captured Packet Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 24 | Original Packet Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 28 / / / Packet Data / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed block schema. header: Parsed PCAP-NG header schema. Returns: Parsed packet data. """ warn('PCAP-NG: Packet Block has been obsolete! Please use Enhanced Packet Block and/or ' 'Simple Packet Block instead.', DeprecatedFormatWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) timestamp, timestamp_epoch = self._read_timestamp(schema.timestamp_high, schema.timestamp_low, interface_id=schema.interface_id) data = Data_PacketBlock( type=header.type, length=schema.length, section_number=self._sect, number=self._fnum, interface_id=schema.interface_id, drop_count=schema.drop_count, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_epoch=timestamp_epoch, captured_length=schema.captured_length, original_length=schema.original_length, options=self._read_pcapng_options(schema.options), ) return self._decode_next_layer(data, self.linktype, schema.captured_length) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def _read_pcapng_options(self, options_schema: 'list[Schema_Option]') -> 'Option': """Read PCAP-NG options. Structure of PCAP-NG option: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Code | Option Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / Option Value / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / / / . . . other options . . . / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Option Code == opt_endofopt | Option Length == 0 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: options_schema: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Parsed PCAP-NG options data. """ options = OrderedMultiDict() # type: Option for schema in options_schema: type = schema.type name = self.__option__[type] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_read_option_{name}' meth = cast('OptionParser', getattr(self, meth_name, self._read_option_unknown)) else: meth = name[0] data = meth(schema, options=options) # record option data options.add(type, data) self._opt[type] += 1 # break when ``opt_endofopt`` is reached if type == Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: break return options
[docs] def _read_option_unknown(self, schema: 'Schema_UnknownOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_UnknownOption': """Read unknown PCAP-NG option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ option = Data_UnknownOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_endofopt(self, schema: 'Schema_EndOfOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EndOfOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``opt_endofopt`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [opt_endofopt] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [opt_endofopt] invalid length (expected 0, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EndOfOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_comment(self, schema: 'Schema_CommentOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_CommentOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``opt_comment`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ option = Data_CommentOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, comment=schema.comment, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_custom(self, schema: 'Schema_CustomOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_CustomOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``opt_custom`` option. Structure of PCAP-NG ``opt_custom`` option: .. code-block:: text 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Custom Option Code | Option Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Private Enterprise Number (PEN) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / Custom Data / / variable length, padded to 32 bits / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ option = Data_CustomOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, pen=schema.pen,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_name(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_NameOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_NameOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_name`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_name] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_name] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') option = Data_IF_NameOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_description(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_DescriptionOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_DescriptionOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_description`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_description] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_description] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') option = Data_IF_DescriptionOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, description=schema.description, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_ipv4(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_IPv4AddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_IPv4AddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_IPv4addr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv4addr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv4addr] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_IPv4AddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, interface=schema.interface, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_ipv6(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_IPv6AddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_IPv6AddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_IPv6addr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv6addr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if schema.length != 17: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv6addr] invalid length (expected 17, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_IPv6AddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, interface=schema.interface, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_mac(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_MACAddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_MACAddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_MACaddr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_MACaddr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_MACaddr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 6: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_MACaddr] invalid length (expected 6, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_MACAddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, interface=self._read_mac_addr(schema.interface), ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_eui(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_EUIAddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_EUIAddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_EUIaddr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_EUIaddr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_EUIaddr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_EUIaddr] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_EUIAddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, interface=self._read_eui_addr(schema.interface), ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_speed(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_SpeedOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_SpeedOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_speed`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_speed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_speed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_speed] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_SpeedOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, speed=schema.speed, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_tsresol(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_TSResolOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_TSResolOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_tsresol`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 1: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] invalid length (expected 1, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_TSResolOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, resolution=schema.resolution, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_tzone(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_TZoneOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_TZoneOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_tzone`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 4: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] invalid length (expected 4, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_TZoneOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, timezone=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=schema.tzone)), ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_filter(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_FilterOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_FilterOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_filter`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_filter] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_filter] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length < 1: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_filter] invalid length (expected 1+, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_FilterOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, code=schema.code, expression=schema.filter, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_os(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_OSOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_OSOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_os`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_os] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_os] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') option = Data_IF_OSOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, os=schema.os, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_fcslen(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_FCSLenOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_FCSLenOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_fcslen`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_fcslen] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_fcslen] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 1: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_fcslen] invalid length (expected 1, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_FCSLenOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, fcs_length=schema.fcslen, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_tsoffset(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_TSOffsetOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_TSOffsetOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_tsoffset`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsoffset] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsoffset] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsoffset] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_TSOffsetOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, offset=schema.tsoffset, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_hardware(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_HardwareOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_HardwareOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_hardware`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_hardware] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_hardware] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') option = Data_IF_HardwareOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, hardware=schema.hardware, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_txspeed(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_TxSpeedOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_TxSpeedOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_txspeed`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_TxSpeedOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, speed=schema.tx_speed, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_if_rxspeed(self, schema: 'Schema_IF_RxSpeedOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_IF_RxSpeedOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``if_rxspeed`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_rxspeed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_rxspeed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_rxspeed] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_IF_RxSpeedOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, speed=schema.rx_speed, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_flags(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_FlagsOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_FlagsOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_flags`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_flags] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_flags] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 4: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_flags] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EPB_FlagsOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, direction=PacketDirection(schema.flags['direction']), reception=PacketReception(schema.flags['reception']), fcs_len=schema.flags['fcs_len'], crc_error=bool(schema.flags['crc_error']), too_long=bool(schema.flags['too_long']), too_short=bool(schema.flags['too_short']), gap_error=bool(schema.flags['gap_error']), unaligned_error=bool(schema.flags['unaligned_error']), delimiter_error=bool(schema.flags['delimiter_error']), preamble_error=bool(schema.flags['preamble_error']), symbol_error=bool(schema.flags['symbol_error']), ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_hash(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_HashOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_HashOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_hash`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_hash] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') option = Data_EPB_HashOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, algorithm=schema.func,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_dropcount(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_DropCountOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_DropCountOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_dropcount`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_dropcount] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_dropcount] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_dropcount] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EPB_DropCountOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, drop_count=schema.drop_count, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_packetid(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_PacketIDOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_PacketIDOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_packetid`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EPB_PacketIDOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packet_id=schema.packet_id, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_queue(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_QueueOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_QueueOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_queue`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_queue] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_queue] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 4: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] invalid length (expected 4, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EPB_QueueOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, queue_id=schema.queue_id, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_epb_verdict(self, schema: 'Schema_EPB_VerdictOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_EPB_VerdictOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``epb_verdict`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_verdict] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if schema.length < 1: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_verdict] invalid length (expected 1+, got {schema.length})') option = Data_EPB_VerdictOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, verdict=schema.verdict, value=schema.value, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_ns_dnsname(self, schema: 'Schema_NS_DNSNameOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_NS_DNSNameOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsname`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsname] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsname] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') option = Data_NS_DNSNameOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_ns_dnsipv4(self, schema: 'Schema_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsIP4addr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP4addr] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP4addr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 4: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP4addr] invalid length (expected 4, got {schema.length})') option = Data_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ip=schema.ip, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_ns_dnsipv6(self, schema: 'Schema_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsIP6addr`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP6addr] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP6addr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 16: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsIP6addr] invalid length (expected 16, got {schema.length})') option = Data_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ip=schema.ip, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_starttime(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_StartTimeOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_StartTimeOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_starttime`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_starttime] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_starttime] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_starttime] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') timestamp, timestamp_epoch = self._read_timestamp(schema.timestamp_high, schema.timestamp_low, interface_id=self._isb_interface_id) option = Data_ISB_StartTimeOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_epoch=timestamp_epoch, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_endtime(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_EndTimeOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_EndTimeOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_endtime`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_endtime] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_endtime] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_endtime] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') timestamp, timestamp_epoch = self._read_timestamp(schema.timestamp_high, schema.timestamp_low, interface_id=self._isb_interface_id) option = Data_ISB_EndTimeOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, timestamp=timestamp, timestamp_epoch=timestamp_epoch, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_ifrecv(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_IFRecvOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_IFRecvOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_ifrecv`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifrecv] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifrecv] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifrecv] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_ISB_IFRecvOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packets=schema.packets, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_ifdrop(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_IFDropOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_IFDropOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_ifdrop`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifdrop] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifdrop] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifdrop] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_ISB_IFDropOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packets=schema.packets, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_filteraccept(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_FilterAcceptOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_FilterAcceptOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_filteraccept`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_filteraccept] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_filteraccept] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_filteraccept] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_ISB_FilterAcceptOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packets=schema.packets, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_osdrop(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_OSDropOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_OSDropOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_osdrop`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_osdrop] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_osdrop] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_osdrop] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_ISB_OSDropOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packets=schema.packets, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_isb_usrdeliv(self, schema: 'Schema_ISB_UsrDelivOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_ISB_UsrDelivOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``isb_usrdeliv`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_usrdeliv] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_usrdeliv] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 8: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_usrdeliv] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_ISB_UsrDelivOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, packets=schema.packets, ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_pack_flags(self, schema: 'Schema_PACK_FlagsOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_PACK_FlagsOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``pack_flags`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_flags] option must be in Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[schema.type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_flags] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[schema.type] + 1} found.') if schema.length != 4: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_flags] invalid length (expected 8, got {schema.length})') option = Data_PACK_FlagsOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, direction=PacketDirection(schema.flags['direction']), reception=PacketReception(schema.flags['reception']), fcs_len=schema.flags['fcs_len'], crc_error=bool(schema.flags['crc_error']), too_long=bool(schema.flags['too_long']), too_short=bool(schema.flags['too_short']), gap_error=bool(schema.flags['gap_error']), unaligned_error=bool(schema.flags['unaligned_error']), delimiter_error=bool(schema.flags['delimiter_error']), preamble_error=bool(schema.flags['preamble_error']), symbol_error=bool(schema.flags['symbol_error']), ) return option
[docs] def _read_option_pack_hash(self, schema: 'Schema_PACK_HashOption', *, options: 'Option') -> 'Data_PACK_HashOption': """Read PCAP-NG ``pack_hash`` option. Args: schema: Parsed option schema. options: Parsed PCAP-NG options. Returns: Constructed option data. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_hash] option must be in Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') option = Data_PACK_HashOption( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, algorithm=schema.func,, ) return option
[docs] def _read_nrb_records(self, records_schema: 'list[Schema_NameResolutionRecord]') -> 'Record': """Read PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Args: records_schema: Parsed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Returns: Parsed PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records data. """ records = OrderedMultiDict() # type: Record for schema in records_schema: type = schema.type name = self.__record__[type] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_read_record_{name}' meth = cast('RecordParser', getattr(self, meth_name, self._read_record_unknown)) else: meth = name[0] data = meth(schema, records=records) # record option data records.add(type, data) # break when ``nrb_record_end`` is reached if type == Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: break return records
[docs] def _read_record_unknown(self, schema: 'Schema_UnknownRecord', *, records: 'Record') -> 'Data_UnknownRecord': """Read PCAP-MG unknown :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Args: schema: Parsed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record schema. records: Parsed PCAP-NG records. Returns: Constructed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record data. """ record = Data_UnknownRecord( type=schema.type, length=schema.length,, ) return record
[docs] def _read_record_end(self, schema: 'Schema_EndRecord', *, records: 'Record') -> 'Data_EndRecord': """Read PCAP-MG ``nrb_record_end`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Args: schema: Parsed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record schema. records: Parsed PCAP-NG records. Returns: Constructed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record data. """ if schema.length != 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [nrb_record_end] invalid length (expected 0, got {schema.length})') record = Data_EndRecord( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ) return record
[docs] def _read_record_ipv4(self, schema: 'Schema_IPv4Record', *, records: 'Record') -> 'Data_IPv4Record': """Read PCAP-MG ``nrb_record_ipv4`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Args: schema: Parsed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record schema. records: Parsed PCAP-NG records. Returns: Constructed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record data. """ record = Data_IPv4Record( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ip=schema.ip, records=tuple(schema.names), ) return record
[docs] def _read_record_ipv6(self, schema: 'Schema_IPv6Record', *, records: 'Record') -> 'Data_IPv6Record': """Read PCAP-MG ``nrb_record_ipv6`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Args: schema: Parsed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record schema. records: Parsed PCAP-NG records. Returns: Constructed :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record data. """ record = Data_IPv6Record( type=schema.type, length=schema.length, ip=schema.ip, records=tuple(schema.names), ) return record
[docs] def _read_secrets_unknown(self, schema: 'Schema_UnknownSecrets', *, block: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock') -> 'Data_UnknownSecrets': """Read PCAP-NG unknown secrets. Args: schema: Parsed secret schema. block: Parsed PCAP-NG decryption secrets block. """ secrets = Data_UnknownSecrets(, ) return secrets
[docs] def _read_secrets_tls(self, schema: 'Schema_TLSKeyLog', *, block: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock') -> 'Data_TLSKeyLog': """Read PCAP-NG TLS key log secrets. Args: schema: Parsed secret schema. block: Parsed PCAP-NG decryption secrets block. """ secrets = Data_TLSKeyLog( entries=schema.entries, ) return secrets
[docs] def _read_secrets_wireguard(self, schema: 'Schema_WireGuardKeyLog', *, block: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock') -> 'Data_WireGuardKeyLog': """Read PCAP-NG WireGuard key log secrets. Args: schema: Parsed secret schema. block: Parsed PCAP-NG decryption secrets block. Returns: Constructed decryption secrets data. """ secrets = Data_WireGuardKeyLog( entries=schema.entries, ) return secrets
[docs] def _read_secrets_zigbee_nwk(self, schema: 'Schema_ZigBeeNWKKey', *, block: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock') -> 'Data_ZigBeeNWKKey': """Read PCAP-NG ZigBee NWK Key secrets. Structure of ZigBee NWK Key secrets: .. code-block:: text 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 | Block Type = 0x0000000A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Secrets Type = 0x5a4e574b | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Secrets Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | AES-128 | | NKW Key | | (16 octets) | | (128 bits) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 32 | PAN ID | padding (0) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 36 / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / Block Total Length / +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Args: schema: Parsed secret schema. block: Parsed PCAP-NG decryption secrets block. Returns: Constructed decryption secrets data. """ secrets = Data_ZigBeeNWKKey( nwk_key=schema.key, pan_id=schema.panid, ) return secrets
[docs] def _read_secrets_zigbee_aps(self, schema: 'Schema_ZigBeeAPSKey', *, block: 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock') -> 'Data_ZigBeeAPSKey': """Read PCAP-NG ZigBee APS Key secrets. Structure of ZigBee APS Key secrets: .. code-block:: text 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 | Block Type = 0x0000000A | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 4 | Block Total Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 8 | Secrets Type = 0x5a415053 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 12 | Secrets Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 16 | AES-128 | | APS Key | | (16 octets) | | (128 bits) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 32 | PAN ID | Low Node Short Address | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 36 | High Node Short Address | padding (0) | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 40 / / / Options (variable) / / / +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ / Block Total Length / +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Args: schema: Parsed secret schema. block: Parsed PCAP-NG decryption secrets block. Returns: Constructed decryption secrets data. """ secrets = Data_ZigBeeAPSKey( aps_key=schema.key, pan_id=schema.panid, short_address=schema.addr_high << 16 | schema.addr_low, ) return secrets
[docs] def _make_block_unknown(self, block: 'Optional[Data_UnknownBlock]' = None, *, data: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_UnknownBlock': """Make unknown PCAP-NG block. Args: block: Block data model. data: Unspecified block data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: data = block.body length = len(data) return Schema_UnknownBlock( length=length, body=data, length2=length, )
[docs] def _make_block_shb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_SectionHeaderBlock]' = None, *, version: 'tuple[int, int] | VersionInfo' = (1, 0), major_version: 'Optional[int]' = None, minor_version: 'Optional[int]' = None, section_length: 'int' = -1, options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_SectionHeaderBlock': """Make PCAP-NG section header block (SHB). Args: block: Block data model. version: Version information. major_version: Major version number. minor_version: Minor version number. section_length: Section length. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ self._byte = sys.byteorder if block is not None: major_version = block.version.major minor_version = block.version.minor section_length = block.section_length options = block.options else: if major_version is None: major_version = version[0] if minor_version is None: minor_version = version[1] if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_SectionHeaderBlock( length=total_length + 28, magic=0x1A2B3C4D, major=major_version, minor=minor_version, section_length=section_length, options=options_value, length2=total_length + 28, )
[docs] def _make_block_idb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_InterfaceDescriptionBlock]' = None, *, linktype: 'Enum_LinkType | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = Enum_LinkType.NULL, linktype_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, linktype_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long linktype_reversed: 'bool' = False, snaplen: 'int' = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_InterfaceDescriptionBlock': """Make PCAP-NG interface description block (IDB). Args: block: Block data model. linktype: Link layer protocol type. linktype_default: Default value of link layer protocol type. linktype_namespace: Namespace of link layer protocol type. linktype_reversed: Reversed flag for link layer protocol type namespace. snaplen: Snap length. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: linktype_val = block.linktype snaplen = block.snaplen options = block.options else: linktype_val = self._make_index(linktype, linktype_default, namespace=linktype_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=linktype_reversed, pack=False) if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_InterfaceDescriptionBlock( length=total_length + 20, linktype=linktype_val, snaplen=snaplen, options=options_value, length2=total_length + 20, )
[docs] def _make_block_epb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_EnhancedPacketBlock]' = None, *, interface_id: 'int' = 0, timestamp: 'Optional[dt_type | int | float | Decimal]' = None, captured_len: 'Optional[int]' = None, original_len: 'Optional[int]' = None, packet_data: 'bytes | Protocol | Schema' = b'', options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EnhancedPacketBlock': """Make PCAP-NG enhanced packet block (EPB). Args: block: Block data model. interface_id: Interface ID. timestmap: Packet timestamp. captured_len: Captured length. original_len: Original length. packet_data: Payload of the block. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: interface_id = block.interface_id timestamp = block.timestamp_epoch captured_len = block.captured_len original_len = block.original_len options = block.options timestamp_high, timestamp_low = self._make_timestamp(timestamp, interface_id=interface_id) if captured_len is None: if self._ctx is None: snaplen = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF else: snaplen = self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].snaplen captured_len = min(len(packet_data), snaplen) if original_len is None: original_len = len(packet_data) packet_len = math.ceil(len(packet_data) / 4) * 4 if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_EnhancedPacketBlock( length=total_length + 32 + packet_len, interface_id=interface_id, timestamp_high=timestamp_high, timestamp_low=timestamp_low, captured_len=captured_len, original_len=original_len, packet_data=packet_data, options=options_value, length2=total_length + 32 + packet_len, )
[docs] def _make_block_spb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_SimplePacketBlock]' = None, *, original_len: 'Optional[int]' = None, packet_data: 'bytes | Protocol | Schema' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_SimplePacketBlock': """Make PCAP-NG simple packet block (SPB). Args: block: Block data model. original_len: Original length. packet_data: Payload of the block. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: original_len = block.original_len if original_len is None: original_len = len(packet_data) packet_len = math.ceil(len(packet_data) / 4) * 4 return Schema_SimplePacketBlock( length=packet_len + 16, original_len=original_len, packet_data=packet_data, length2=packet_len + 16, )
[docs] def _make_block_nrb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_NameResolutionBlock]' = None, *, records: 'Optional[Record | list[Schema_NameResolutionRecord | tuple[Enum_RecordType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_NameResolutionBlock': """Make PCAP-NG name resolution block (NRB). Args: block: Block data model. records: Name resolution records. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: records = block.records options = block.options if records is not None: records_value, records_length = self._make_nrb_records(records) else: records_value, records_length = [], 0 if options is not None: options_value, options_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, options_length = [], 0 return Schema_NameResolutionBlock( length=options_length + records_length + 12, records=records_value, options=options_value, length2=options_length + records_length + 12, )
[docs] def _make_block_isb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_InterfaceStatisticsBlock]' = None, *, interface_id: 'int' = 0, timestamp: 'Optional[dt_type | int | float | Decimal]' = None, options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_InterfaceStatisticsBlock': """Make PCAP-NG interface statistics block (ISB). Args: block: Block data model. interface_id: Interface ID. timestmap: Block timestamp. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: interface_id = block.interface_id timestamp = block.timestamp_epoch options = block.options timestamp_high, timestamp_low = self._make_timestamp(timestamp, interface_id=interface_id) if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_InterfaceStatisticsBlock( length=total_length + 24, interface_id=interface_id, timestamp_high=timestamp_high, timestamp_low=timestamp_low, options=options_value, length2=total_length + 24, )
[docs] def _make_block_systemd(self, block: 'Optional[Data_SystemdJournalExportBlock]' = None, *, entries: 'Optional[list[OrderedMultiDict[str, str | bytes]] | bytes]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_SystemdJournalExportBlock': """Make PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export block. Args: block: Block data model. entries: :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export entries. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ self._byte = sys.byteorder if block is not None: entries = cast('list[OrderedMultiDict[str, str | bytes]]', if entries is None: data = b'' elif isinstance(entries, bytes): data = entries else: temp = [] # type: list[bytes] for entry in entries: tmp_buf = [] # type: list[bytes] for key, val in entry.items(multi=True): if isinstance(val, str): buf = f'{key}={val}\n'.encode() else: buf = b'%s\n%s%s\n' % ( key.encode(), struct.pack('<Q', len(val)), val, ) tmp_buf.append(buf) temp.append(b''.join(tmp_buf)) data = b'\n'.join(temp) return Schema_SystemdJournalExportBlock( length=len(data) + 12, entry=data, length2=len(data) + 12, )
[docs] def _make_block_dsb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_DecryptionSecretsBlock]' = None, *, secrets_type: 'Enum_SecretsType | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = Enum_SecretsType.TLS_Key_Log, secrets_type_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, secrets_type_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long secrets_type_reversed: 'bool' = False, secrets_data: 'Schema_DSBSecrets | Data_DSBSecrets | bytes | dict[str, Any]' = b'', options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock': """Make PCAP-NG decryption secrets block (DSB). Args: block: Block data model. secrets_type: Decryption secrets type. secrets_type_default: Default value of decryption secrets type. secrets_type_namespace: Namespace of decryption secrets type. secrets_type_reversed: Reversed flag for namespace of decryption secrets type. secrets_data: Decryption secrets data. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: secrets_type_val = block.secrets_type secrets_data = block.secrets_data options = block.options else: secrets_type_val = self._make_index(secrets_type, secrets_type_default, namespace=secrets_type_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=secrets_type_reversed, pack=False) if isinstance(secrets_data, bytes): secrets_data_val = secrets_data # type: bytes | Schema_DSBSecrets elif isinstance(secrets_data, (dict, Data_DSBSecrets)): name = self.__secrets__[secrets_type_val] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_secrets_{name}' meth = cast('SecretsConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_secrets_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] if isinstance(secrets_data, dict): secrets_data_val = meth(secrets_type_val, **secrets_data) else: secrets_data_val = meth(secrets_type_val, secrets_data) elif isinstance(secrets_data, Schema): secrets_data_val = secrets_data else: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [DSB] secrets {secrets_type_val} invalid format') secrets_length = len(secrets_data_val) if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_DecryptionSecretsBlock( length=total_length + secrets_length + 20, secrets_type=secrets_type_val, secrets_length=secrets_length, secrets_data=secrets_data_val, options=options_value, length2=total_length + secrets_length + 20, )
[docs] def _make_block_cb(self, block: 'Optional[Data_CustomBlock]' = None, *, pen: 'int' = 0, data: 'Schema | bytes' = b'', options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_CustomBlock': """Make PCAP-NG custom block (CB). Args: block: Block data model. pen: Private enterprise number. data: Custom data. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ if block is not None: pen = block.pen data = options = cast('Option', getattr(block, 'options', None)) if options is not None: options_value, _ = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, _ = [], 0 cb_data = data.pack() if isinstance(data, Schema) else data for option in options_value: cb_data += option.pack() if isinstance(option, Schema) else option return Schema_CustomBlock( length=len(cb_data) + 16, pen=pen, data=cb_data, length2=len(cb_data) + 16, )
[docs] def _make_block_packet(self, block: 'Optional[Data_PacketBlock]' = None, *, interface_id: 'int' = 0, drop_count: 'int' = 0, timestamp: 'Optional[dt_type | int | float | Decimal]' = None, captured_len: 'Optional[int]' = None, original_len: 'Optional[int]' = None, packet_data: 'bytes | Protocol | Schema' = b'', options: 'Optional[Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_PacketBlock': """Make PCAP-NG packet block (obsolete). Args: block: Block data model. interface_id: Interface ID. drop_count: Drops count. timestmap: Packet timestamp. captured_len: Captured length. original_len: Original length. packet_data: Payload of the block. options: Block options. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed block schema. """ warn('PCAP-NG: Packet Block has been obsolete! Please use Enhanced Packet Block and/or ' 'Simple Packet Block instead.', DeprecatedFormatWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel()) if block is not None: interface_id = block.interface_id drop_count = block.drop_count timestamp = block.timestamp_epoch captured_len = block.captured_len original_len = block.original_len options = block.options timestamp_high, timestamp_low = self._make_timestamp(timestamp, interface_id=interface_id) if captured_len is None: if self._ctx is None: snaplen = 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF else: snaplen = self._ctx.interfaces[interface_id].snaplen captured_len = min(len(packet_data), snaplen) if original_len is None: original_len = len(packet_data) packet_len = math.ceil(len(packet_data) / 4) * 4 if options is not None: options_value, total_length = self._make_pcapng_options(options, namespace='shb') else: options_value, total_length = [], 0 return Schema_PacketBlock( length=total_length + 32 + packet_len, interface_id=interface_id, drop_count=drop_count, timestamp_high=timestamp_high, timestamp_low=timestamp_low, captured_length=captured_len, original_length=original_len, packet_data=packet_data, options=options_value, length2=total_length + 32 + packet_len, )
[docs] def _make_pcapng_options(self, options: 'Option | list[Schema_Option | tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]', namespace: 'str') -> 'tuple[list[Schema_Option | bytes], int]': """Make options for PCAP-NG. Args: options: PCAP-NG options. namespace: Namespace of options. Returns: Tuple of options and total length of options. """ has_endofopt = False total_length = 0 if isinstance(options, list): options_list = [] # type: list[Schema_Option | bytes] for schema in options: if isinstance(schema, bytes): code = Enum_OptionType.get(int.from_bytes(schema[0:2], self._byte, signed=False), namespace=namespace) if code == Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: # ignore opt_endofopt by default has_endofopt = True continue data = schema # type: Schema_Option | bytes data_len = len(data) elif isinstance(schema, Schema): code = schema.type if code == Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: # ignore opt_endofopt by default has_endofopt = True continue data = schema data_len = len(schema.pack()) else: code, args = cast('tuple[Enum_OptionType, dict[str, Any]]', schema) if code == Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: # ignore opt_endofopt by default has_endofopt = True continue name = self.__option__[code] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_option_{name}' meth = cast('OptionConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_option_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] data = meth(code, **args) data_len = len(data.pack()) options_list.append(data) total_length += data_len self._opt[code] += 1 if has_endofopt: opt_endofopt = self._make_option_endofopt(Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt) total_length += len(opt_endofopt.pack()) options_list.append(opt_endofopt) return options_list, total_length options_list = [] for code, option in options.items(multi=True): if code == Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt: # ignore opt_endofopt by default has_endofopt = True continue name = self.__option__[code] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_option_{name}' meth = cast('OptionConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_option_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] data = meth(code, option) data_len = len(data.pack()) options_list.append(data) total_length += data_len self._opt[code] += 1 if has_endofopt: opt_endofopt = self._make_option_endofopt(Enum_OptionType.opt_endofopt) total_length += len(opt_endofopt.pack()) options_list.append(opt_endofopt) return options_list, total_length
[docs] def _make_option_unknown(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_UnknownOption]' = None, *, data: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_UnknownOption': """Make unknown PCAP-NG option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. data: Unspecified option data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if option is not None: data = length = len(data) return Schema_UnknownOption( type=type, length=length, data=data, )
[docs] def _make_option_endofopt(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EndOfOption]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EndOfOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``opt_endofopt`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [opt_endofopt] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') return Schema_EndOfOption( type=type, length=0, )
[docs] def _make_option_comment(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_CommentOption]' = None, *, comment: 'str' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_CommentOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``opt_comment`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. comment: Comment text. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if option is not None: comment = option.comment return Schema_CommentOption( type=type, length=len(comment), comment=comment, )
[docs] def _make_option_custom(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_CustomOption]' = None, *, pen: 'int' = 0xFFFFFFFF, data: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_CustomOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``opt_custom`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. pen: Private enterprise number. data: Custom data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if option is not None: pen = option.pen data = return Schema_CustomOption( type=type, length=len(data) + 4, pen=pen, data=data )
[docs] def _make_option_if_name(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_NameOption]' = None, *, name: 'str' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_NameOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_name`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. name: Interface name. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_name] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_name] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: name = return Schema_IF_NameOption( type=type, length=len(name), name=name, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_description(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_DescriptionOption]' = None, *, description: 'str' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_DescriptionOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_description`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. description: Interface description. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_description] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_description] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: description = option.description return Schema_IF_DescriptionOption( type=type, length=len(description), description=description, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_ipv4(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_IPv4AddrOption]' = None, *, interface: 'IPv4Interface | str' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_IPv4AddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_IPv4addr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. interface: IPv4 interface. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv4addr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if option is not None: interface = option.interface return Schema_IF_IPv4AddrOption( type=type, length=8, interface=interface, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_ipv6(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_IPv6AddrOption]' = None, *, interface: 'IPv6Interface | str' = '2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344/64', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_IPv6AddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_IPv6addr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. interface: IPv6 interface. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_IPv6addr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if option is not None: interface = option.interface return Schema_IF_IPv6AddrOption( type=type, length=8, interface=interface, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_mac(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_MACAddrOption]' = None, *, interface: 'str | bytes | bytearray' = '00:01:02:03:04:05', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_MACAddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_MACaddr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. interface: MAC interface address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_MACaddr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_MACaddr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: interface = option.interface return Schema_IF_MACAddrOption( type=type, length=6, interface=self._make_mac_addr(interface), )
[docs] def _make_option_if_eui(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_EUIAddrOption]' = None, *, interface: 'str | bytes | bytearray' = '02:34:56:FF:FE:78:9A:BC', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_EUIAddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_EUIaddr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. interface: Hardware EUI address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_EUIaddr] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_EUIaddr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: interface = option.interface return Schema_IF_EUIAddrOption( type=type, length=8, interface=self._make_eui_addr(interface), )
[docs] def _make_option_if_speed(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_SpeedOption]' = None, *, speed: 'int' = 100000000, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_SpeedOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_speed`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. speed: Interface speed, in bits per second. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_speed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_speed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: speed = option.speed return Schema_IF_SpeedOption( type=type, length=8, speed=speed, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_tsresol(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_TSResolOption]' = None, *, resolution: 'int' = 1000000, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_TSResolOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_tsresol`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. resolution: Resolution of timestamps, in units per second. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: resolution = option.resolution test = math.log10(resolution).as_integer_ratio()[1] if test == 1: flag = 0 resl = int(math.log10(resolution)) else: test = math.log2(resolution).as_integer_ratio()[1] if test == 1: flag = 1 resl = int(math.log2(resolution)) else: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsresol] option resolution must be power of 10 or 2, ' f'but {resolution} found.') return Schema_IF_TSResolOption( type=type, length=1, tsresol={ 'flag': flag, 'resolution': resl, }, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_tzone(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_TZoneOption]' = None, *, tzone: 'timezone | timedelta | int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_TZoneOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_tzone`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. tzone: Timezone offset, in seconds. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: tzone = option.timezone if isinstance(tzone, int): tzone_val = tzone elif isinstance(tzone, datetime.timedelta): tzone_val = int(tzone.total_seconds()) elif isinstance(tzone, datetime.timezone): tzone_val = int(tzone.utcoffset(None).total_seconds()) else: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tzone] option timezone must be int, timedelta or timezone, ' f'but {type(tzone).__name__} found.') return Schema_IF_TZoneOption( type=type, length=4, tzone=tzone_val, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_filter(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_FilterOption]' = None, *, filter: 'Enum_FilterType | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = Enum_FilterType(0), filter_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, filter_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long filter_reversed: 'bool' = False, expression: 'bytes | str' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_FilterOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_filter`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. filter: Filter type. filter_default: Default filter value. filter_namespace: Filter namespace. filter_reversed: Whether filter namespace is reversed. expression: Filter expression. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_filter] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_filter] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: filter_val = option.code expr_val = option.expression else: filter_val = self._make_index(filter, filter_default, namespace=filter_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=filter_reversed, pack=False) expr_val = expression if isinstance(expression, bytes) else expression.encode() return Schema_IF_FilterOption( type=type, length=1 + len(expr_val), code=filter_val, filter=expr_val, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_os(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_OSOption]' = None, *, os: 'str' = platform.platform(), **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_OSOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_os`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. os: Operating system name. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_os] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_os] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: os = option.os return Schema_IF_OSOption( type=type, length=len(os), os=os, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_fcslen(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_FCSLenOption]' = None, *, fcs_length: 'int' = 4, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_FCSLenOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_fcslen`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. fcs_length: FCS length, in bytes. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_fcslen] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_fcslen] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: fcs_length = option.fcs_length return Schema_IF_FCSLenOption( type=type, length=1, fcslen=fcs_length, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_tsoffset(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_TSOffsetOption]' = None, *, offset: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_TSOffsetOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_tsoffset`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. offset: Timestamp offset in seconds. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsoffset] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_tsoffset] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: offset = option.offset return Schema_IF_TSOffsetOption( type=type, length=8, tsoffset=offset, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_hardware(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_HardwareOption]' = None, *, hardware: 'str' = platform.processor(), **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_HardwareOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_hardware`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. os: Operating system name. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_hardware] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_hardware] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: hardware = option.hardware return Schema_IF_HardwareOption( type=type, length=len(hardware), hardware=hardware, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_txspeed(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_TxSpeedOption]' = None, *, speed: 'int' = 100000000, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_TxSpeedOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_txspeed`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. speed: Interface transmit speed, in bits per second. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: speed = option.speed return Schema_IF_TxSpeedOption( type=type, length=8, tx_speed=speed, )
[docs] def _make_option_if_rxspeed(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_IF_RxSpeedOption]' = None, *, speed: 'int' = 100000000, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IF_RxSpeedOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``if_rxspeed`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. speed: Interface receive speed, in bits per second. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Description_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be in Interface Description Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [if_txspeed] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: speed = option.speed return Schema_IF_RxSpeedOption( type=type, length=8, rx_speed=speed, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_flags(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_FlagsOption]' = None, *, direction: 'PacketDirection | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = PacketDirection.UNKNOWN, direction_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, direction_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long direction_reversed: 'bool' = False, reception: 'PacketReception | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = PacketReception.UNKNOWN, reception_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, reception_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long reception_reversed: 'bool' = False, fcs_len: 'int' = 0, crc_error: 'bool' = False, too_long: 'bool' = False, too_short: 'bool' = False, gap_error: 'bool' = False, unaligned_error: 'bool' = False, delimiter_error: 'bool' = False, preamble_error: 'bool' = False, symbol_error: 'bool' = False, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_FlagsOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_flags`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. direction: Packet direction. direction_default: Default value of packet direction. direction_namespace: Namespace of packet direction. direction_reversed: Whether to reverse packet direction namespace. reception: Packet reception. reception_default: Default value of packet reception. reception_namespace: Namespace of packet reception. reception_reversed: Whether to reverse packet reception namespace. fcs_len: Length of FCS field, in bytes. crc_error: Whether CRC error occurred. too_long: Whether packet is too long. too_short: Whether packet is too short. gap_error: Whether gap error occurred. unaligned_error: Whether unaligned error occurred. delimiter_error: Whether delimiter error occurred. preamble_error: Whether preamble error occurred. symbol_error: Whether symbol error occurred. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_flags] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_flags] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: direction_val = option.direction reception_val = option.reception fcs_len = option.fcs_len crc_error = option.crc_error too_long = option.too_long too_short = option.too_short gap_error = option.gap_error unaligned_error = option.unaligned_error delimiter_error = option.delimiter_error preamble_error = option.preamble_error symbol_error = option.symbol_error else: direction_val = self._make_index(direction, direction_default, namespace=direction_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=direction_reversed, pack=False) reception_val = self._make_index(reception, reception_default, namespace=reception_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=reception_reversed, pack=False) return Schema_EPB_FlagsOption( type=type, length=4, flags={ 'direction': direction_val.value, 'reception': reception_val.value, 'fcs_len': fcs_len, 'crc_error': int(crc_error), 'too_long': int(too_long), 'too_short': int(too_short), 'gap_error': int(gap_error), 'unaligned_error': int(unaligned_error), 'delimiter_error': int(delimiter_error), 'preamble_error': int(preamble_error), 'symbol_error': int(symbol_error), }, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_hash(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_HashOption]' = None, *, algorithm: 'Enum_HashAlgorithm | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | int | str' = Enum_HashAlgorithm.two_s_complement, algorithm_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, algorithm_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long algorithm_reversed: 'bool' = False, hash: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_HashOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_hash`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. algorithm: Hash algorithm. algorithm_default: Default value of hash algorithm. algorithm_namespace: Namespace of hash algorithm. algorithm_reversed: Whether to reverse hash algorithm namespace. hash: Hash value. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_hash] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if option is not None: algo_val = option.algorithm hash = option.hash else: algo_val = self._make_index(algorithm, algorithm_default, namespace=algorithm_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=algorithm_reversed, pack=False) return Schema_EPB_HashOption( type=type, length=1 + len(hash), func=algo_val, data=hash, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_dropcount(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_DropCountOption]' = None, *, drop_count: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_DropCountOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_dropcount`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. drop_count: Number of dropped packets. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_dropcount] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_dropcount] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: drop_count = option.drop_count return Schema_EPB_DropCountOption( type=type, length=8, drop_count=drop_count, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_packetid(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_PacketIDOption]' = None, *, packet_id: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_PacketIDOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_packetid`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packet_id: Packet ID. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_packetid] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packet_id = option.packet_id return Schema_EPB_PacketIDOption( type=type, length=8, packet_id=packet_id, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_queue(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_QueueOption]' = None, *, queue_id: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_QueueOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_queue`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. queue_id: Queue ID. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_queue] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_queue] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: queue_id = option.queue_id return Schema_EPB_QueueOption( type=type, length=4, queue_id=queue_id, )
[docs] def _make_option_epb_verdict(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_EPB_VerdictOption]' = None, *, verdict: 'Enum_VerdictType | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = Enum_VerdictType.Hardware, verdict_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, verdict_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long verdict_reversed: 'bool' = False, value: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EPB_VerdictOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``epb_verdict`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. verdict: Verdict type. verdict_default: Default value for verdict. verdict_namespace: Namespace for verdict. verdict_reversed: Whether to reverse the namespace. value: Verdict value. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Enhanced_Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_verdict] option must be in Enhanced Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [epb_verdict] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: verdict_val = option.verdict value = option.value else: verdict_val = self._make_index(verdict, verdict_default, namespace=verdict_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=verdict_reversed, pack=False) return Schema_EPB_VerdictOption( type=type, length=1 + len(value), verdict=verdict_val, value=value, )
[docs] def _make_option_ns_dnsname(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_NS_DNSNameOption]' = None, *, name: 'str' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_NS_DNSNameOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsname`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. name: DNS server name. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsname] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsname] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: name = return Schema_NS_DNSNameOption( type=type, length=len(name), name=name, )
[docs] def _make_option_ns_dnsipv4(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption]' = None, *, ip: 'str | bytes | IPv4Address | int' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsip4addr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. ip: DNS server IPv4 address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsip4addr] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsip4addr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: ip = option.ip return Schema_NS_DNSIP4AddrOption( type=type, length=4, ip=ip, )
[docs] def _make_option_ns_dnsipv6(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption]' = None, *, ip: 'str | bytes | IPv6Address | int' = '', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``ns_dnsip6addr`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. ip: DNS server IPv6 address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Name_Resolution_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsip6addr] option must be in :manpage:`systemd(1)` Journal Export Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [ns_dnsip6addr] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: ip = option.ip return Schema_NS_DNSIP6AddrOption( type=type, length=16, ip=ip, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_starttime(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_StartTimeOption]' = None, *, timestamp: 'Optional[int | float | dt_type | Decimal]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_StartTimeOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_starttime`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. ip: DNS server IPv6 address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_starttime] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_starttime] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: timestamp = option.timestamp_epoch ts_high, ts_low = self._make_timestamp(timestamp, interface_id=self._isb_interface_id) return Schema_ISB_StartTimeOption( type=type, length=8, timestamp_high=ts_high, timestamp_low=ts_low, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_endtime(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_EndTimeOption]' = None, *, timestamp: 'Optional[int | float | dt_type | Decimal]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_EndTimeOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_endtime`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. ip: DNS server IPv6 address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_endtime] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_endtime] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: timestamp = option.timestamp_epoch ts_high, ts_low = self._make_timestamp(timestamp, interface_id=self._isb_interface_id) return Schema_ISB_EndTimeOption( type=type, length=8, timestamp_high=ts_high, timestamp_low=ts_low, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_ifrecv(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_IFRecvOption]' = None, *, packets: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_IFRecvOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_ifrecv`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packets: Number of received packets. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifrecv] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifrecv] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packets = option.packets return Schema_ISB_IFRecvOption( type=type, length=8, packets=packets, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_ifdrop(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_IFDropOption]' = None, *, packets: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_IFDropOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_ifdrop`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packets: Number of dropped packets. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifdrop] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_ifdrop] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packets = option.packets return Schema_ISB_IFDropOption( type=type, length=8, packets=packets, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_filteraccept(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_FilterAcceptOption]' = None, *, packets: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_FilterAcceptOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_filteraccept`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packets: Number of packets accepted by the filter. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_filteraccept] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_filteraccept] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packets = option.packets return Schema_ISB_FilterAcceptOption( type=type, length=8, packets=packets, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_osdrop(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_OSDropOption]' = None, *, packets: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_OSDropOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_osdrop`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packets: Number of packets dropped by the OS. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_osdrop] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_osdrop] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packets = option.packets return Schema_ISB_OSDropOption( type=type, length=8, packets=packets, )
[docs] def _make_option_isb_usrdeliv(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_ISB_UsrDelivOption]' = None, *, packets: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ISB_UsrDelivOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``isb_usrdeliv`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. packets: Number of dropped packets. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Interface_Statistics_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_usrdeliv] option must be in Interface Statistics Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [isb_usrdeliv] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: packets = option.packets return Schema_ISB_UsrDelivOption( type=type, length=8, packets=packets, )
[docs] def _make_option_pack_flags(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_PACK_FlagsOption]' = None, *, direction: 'PacketDirection | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = PacketDirection.UNKNOWN, direction_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, direction_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long direction_reversed: 'bool' = False, reception: 'PacketReception | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | str | int' = PacketReception.UNKNOWN, reception_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, reception_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long reception_reversed: 'bool' = False, fcs_len: 'int' = 0, crc_error: 'bool' = False, too_long: 'bool' = False, too_short: 'bool' = False, gap_error: 'bool' = False, unaligned_error: 'bool' = False, delimiter_error: 'bool' = False, preamble_error: 'bool' = False, symbol_error: 'bool' = False, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_PACK_FlagsOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``pack_flags`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. direction: Packet direction. direction_default: Default value of packet direction. direction_namespace: Namespace of packet direction. direction_reversed: Whether to reverse packet direction namespace. reception: Packet reception. reception_default: Default value of packet reception. reception_namespace: Namespace of packet reception. reception_reversed: Whether to reverse packet reception namespace. fcs_len: Length of FCS field, in bytes. crc_error: Whether CRC error occurred. too_long: Whether packet is too long. too_short: Whether packet is too short. gap_error: Whether gap error occurred. unaligned_error: Whether unaligned error occurred. delimiter_error: Whether delimiter error occurred. preamble_error: Whether preamble error occurred. symbol_error: Whether symbol error occurred. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_flags] option must be in Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if self._opt[type] > 0: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_flags] option must be only one, ' f'but {self._opt[type] + 1} found.') if option is not None: direction_val = option.direction reception_val = option.reception fcs_len = option.fcs_len crc_error = option.crc_error too_long = option.too_long too_short = option.too_short gap_error = option.gap_error unaligned_error = option.unaligned_error delimiter_error = option.delimiter_error preamble_error = option.preamble_error symbol_error = option.symbol_error else: direction_val = self._make_index(direction, direction_default, namespace=direction_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=direction_reversed, pack=False) reception_val = self._make_index(reception, reception_default, namespace=reception_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=reception_reversed, pack=False) return Schema_PACK_FlagsOption( type=type, length=4, flags={ 'direction': direction_val.value, 'reception': reception_val.value, 'fcs_len': fcs_len, 'crc_error': int(crc_error), 'too_long': int(too_long), 'too_short': int(too_short), 'gap_error': int(gap_error), 'unaligned_error': int(unaligned_error), 'delimiter_error': int(delimiter_error), 'preamble_error': int(preamble_error), 'symbol_error': int(symbol_error), }, )
[docs] def _make_option_pack_hash(self, type: 'Enum_OptionType', option: 'Optional[Data_PACK_HashOption]' = None, *, algorithm: 'Enum_HashAlgorithm | StdlibEnum | AenumEnum | int | str' = Enum_HashAlgorithm.two_s_complement, algorithm_default: 'Optional[int]' = None, algorithm_namespace: 'Optional[dict[str, int] | dict[int, str] | Type[StdlibEnum] | Type[AenumEnum]]' = None, # pylint: disable=line-too-long algorithm_reversed: 'bool' = False, hash: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_PACK_HashOption': """Make PCAP-NG ``pack_hash`` option. Args: type: Option type. option: Option data model. algorithm: Hash algorithm. algorithm_default: Default value of hash algorithm. algorithm_namespace: Namespace of hash algorithm. algorithm_reversed: Whether to reverse hash algorithm namespace. hash: Hash value. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed option schema. """ if self._type != Enum_BlockType.Packet_Block: raise ProtocolError(f'PCAP-NG: [pack_hash] option must be in Packet Block, ' f'but found in {self._type} block.') if option is not None: algo_val = option.algorithm hash = option.hash else: algo_val = self._make_index(algorithm, algorithm_default, namespace=algorithm_namespace, # type: ignore[assignment] reversed=algorithm_reversed, pack=False) return Schema_PACK_HashOption( type=type, length=1 + len(hash), func=algo_val, data=hash, )
[docs] def _make_nrb_records(self, records: 'Record | list[Schema_NameResolutionRecord | tuple[Enum_RecordType, dict[str, Any]] | bytes]') -> 'tuple[list[Schema_NameResolutionRecord | bytes], int]': """Make :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records for PCAP-NG. Args: records: PCAP-NG :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records. Returns: Tuple of :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export records and total length of the records. """ has_record_end = False total_length = 0 if isinstance(records, list): records_list = [] # type: list[Schema_NameResolutionRecord | bytes] for schema in records: if isinstance(schema, bytes): code = Enum_RecordType.get(int.from_bytes(schema[0:2], self._byte, signed=False)) if code == Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: # ignore nrb_record_end by default has_record_end = True continue data = schema # type: Schema_NameResolutionRecord | bytes data_len = len(data) elif isinstance(schema, Schema): code = schema.type if code == Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: # ignore nrb_record_end by default has_record_end = True continue data = schema data_len = len(schema.pack()) else: code, args = cast('tuple[Enum_RecordType, dict[str, Any]]', schema) if code == Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: # ignore nrb_record_end by default has_record_end = True continue name = self.__record__[code] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_record_{name}' meth = cast('RecordConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_record_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] data = meth(code, **args) data_len = len(data.pack()) records_list.append(data) total_length += data_len if has_record_end: nrb_record_end = self._make_record_end(Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end) # type: ignore[arg-type] total_length += len(nrb_record_end.pack()) records_list.append(nrb_record_end) return records_list, total_length records_list = [] for code, record in records.items(multi=True): if code == Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end: # ignore nrb_record_end by default has_record_end = True continue name = self.__record__[code] if isinstance(name, str): meth_name = f'_make_record_{name}' meth = cast('RecordConstructor', getattr(self, meth_name, self._make_record_unknown)) else: meth = name[1] data = meth(code, record) data_len = len(data.pack()) records_list.append(data) total_length += data_len if has_record_end: nrb_record_end = self._make_record_end(Enum_RecordType.nrb_record_end) # type: ignore[arg-type] total_length += len(nrb_record_end.pack()) records_list.append(nrb_record_end) return records_list, total_length
[docs] def _make_record_unknown(self, type: 'Enum_RecordType', record: 'Optional[Data_UnknownRecord]', *, data: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_UnknownRecord': """Make PCAP-NG unknown :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record. Args: type: Record type. record: Record data model. data: Record data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed record schema. """ if record is not None: data = return Schema_UnknownRecord( type=type, length=len(data), data=data, )
[docs] def _make_record_end(self, type: 'Enum_RecordType', record: 'Optional[Data_EndRecord]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_EndRecord': """Make PCAP-NG ``nrb_record_end`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record. Args: type: Record type. record: Record data model. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed record schema. """ return Schema_EndRecord( type=type, length=0, )
[docs] def _make_record_ipv4(self, type: 'Enum_RecordType', record: 'Optional[Data_IPv4Record]', *, ip: 'IPv4Address | str | bytes | int' = '', names: 'Optional[list[str]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IPv4Record': """Make PCAP-NG ``nrb_record_ipv4`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record. Args: type: Record type. record: Record data model. ip: IPv4 address. names: Host names. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed record schema. """ if record is not None: ip = record.ip names = cast('list[str]', record.records) if names is None: names = [] records = '\x00'.join(names) + '\x00' return Schema_IPv4Record( type=type, length=4 + len(records), ip=ip, resol=records, )
[docs] def _make_record_ipv6(self, type: 'Enum_RecordType', record: 'Optional[Data_IPv6Record]', *, ip: 'IPv6Address | str | bytes | int' = '', names: 'Optional[list[str]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_IPv6Record': """Make PCAP-NG ``nrb_record_ipv6`` :manpage:`systemd(1)` journal export record. Args: type: Record type. record: Record data model. ip: IPv6 address. names: Host names. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed record schema. """ if record is not None: ip = record.ip names = cast('list[str]', record.records) if names is None: names = [] records = '\x00'.join(names) + '\x00' return Schema_IPv6Record( type=type, length=16 + len(records), ip=ip, resol=records, )
[docs] def _make_secrets_unknown(self, type: 'Enum_SecretsType', secrets: 'Optional[Data_UnknownSecrets]' = None, *, data: 'bytes' = b'', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_UnknownSecrets': """Make PCAP-NG unknown secrets. Args: type: Secrets type. secrets: Secrets data model. data: Secrets data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed secrets schema. """ if secrets is not None: data = return Schema_UnknownSecrets( data=data, )
[docs] def _make_secrets_tls(self, type: 'Enum_SecretsType', secrets: 'Optional[Data_TLSKeyLog]' = None, *, entries: 'Optional[dict[TLSKeyLabel, OrderedMultiDict[bytes, bytes]]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_TLSKeyLog': """Make PCAP-NG TLS Key Log secrets. Args: type: Secrets type. secrets: Secrets data model. entries: TLS Key Log entries. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed secrets schema. """ from pcapkit import __version__ if secrets is not None: entries = secrets.entries if entries is None: entries = {} data = [f'# generated by PyPCAPKit v{__version__} at {}{os.sep}'] # type: list[str] for label, entry in entries.items(): for k, v in entry.items(multi=True): data.append(f'{} {k.hex()} {v.hex()}{os.sep}') return Schema_TLSKeyLog( data=''.join(data), )
[docs] def _make_secrets_wireguard(self, type: 'Enum_SecretsType', secrets: 'Optional[Data_WireGuardKeyLog]' = None, *, entries: 'Optional[OrderedMultiDict[WireGuardKeyLabel, bytes]]' = None, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_WireGuardKeyLog': """Make PCAP-NG WireGuard secrets. Args: type: Secrets type. secrets: Secrets data model. data: Secrets data. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed secrets schema. """ from pcapkit import __version__ if secrets is not None: entries = secrets.entries if entries is None: entries = OrderedMultiDict() data = [f'# generated by PyPCAPKit v{__version__} at {}{os.sep}'] # type: list[str] for label, value in entries: data.append(f'{label} = {value}{os.sep}') return Schema_WireGuardKeyLog( data=''.join(data), )
[docs] def _make_secrets_zigbee_nwk(self, type: 'Enum_SecretsType', secrets: 'Optional[Data_ZigBeeNWKKey]' = None, *, nwk_key: 'bytes' = b'', pan_id: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ZigBeeNWKKey': """Make PCAP-NG ZigBee NWK Key secrets. Args: type: Secrets type. secrets: Secrets data model. nwk_key: NWK key. pan_id: PAN ID. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed secrets schema. """ if secrets is not None: nwk_key = secrets.nwk_key pan_id = secrets.pan_id return Schema_ZigBeeNWKKey( key=nwk_key, panid=pan_id, )
[docs] def _make_secrets_zigbee_aps(self, type: 'Enum_SecretsType', secrets: 'Optional[Data_ZigBeeAPSKey]' = None, *, aps_key: 'bytes' = b'', pan_id: 'int' = 0, short_address: 'int' = 0, **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'Schema_ZigBeeAPSKey': """Make PCAP-NG ZigBee APS Key secrets. Args: type: Secrets type. secrets: Secrets data model. aps_key: APS key. pan_id: PAN ID. short_address: Short address. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: Constructed secrets schema. """ if secrets is not None: aps_key = secrets.aps_key pan_id = secrets.pan_id short_address = secrets.short_address return Schema_ZigBeeAPSKey( key=aps_key, panid=pan_id, addr_high=short_address >> 16, addr_low=short_address & 0xFFFF, )