Source code for pcapkit.protocols.schema.internet.hip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mypy: disable-error-code=assignment
"""header schema for Host Identity Protocol"""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from pcapkit.const.hip.certificate import Certificate as Enum_Certificate
from pcapkit.const.hip.cipher import Cipher as Enum_Cipher
from pcapkit.const.hip.di import DITypes as Enum_DITypes
from pcapkit.const.hip.ecdsa_curve import ECDSACurve as Enum_ECDSACurve
from pcapkit.const.hip.ecdsa_low_curve import ECDSALowCurve as Enum_ECDSALowCurve
from pcapkit.const.hip.eddsa_curve import EdDSACurve as Enum_EdDSACurve
from pcapkit.const.hip.esp_transform_suite import ESPTransformSuite as Enum_ESPTransformSuite
from import Group as Enum_Group
from pcapkit.const.hip.hi_algorithm import HIAlgorithm as Enum_HIAlgorithm
from pcapkit.const.hip.hit_suite import HITSuite as Enum_HITSuite
from pcapkit.const.hip.nat_traversal import NATTraversal as Enum_NATTraversal
from pcapkit.const.hip.notify_message import NotifyMessage as Enum_NotifyMessage
from pcapkit.const.hip.parameter import Parameter as Enum_Parameter
from pcapkit.const.hip.registration import Registration as Enum_Registration
from pcapkit.const.hip.registration_failure import RegistrationFailure as Enum_RegistrationFailure
from pcapkit.const.hip.suite import Suite as Enum_Suite
from pcapkit.const.hip.transport import Transport as Enum_Transport
from pcapkit.const.reg.transtype import TransType as Enum_TransType
from pcapkit.corekit.fields.collections import ListField, OptionField
from pcapkit.corekit.fields.ipaddress import IPv6AddressField
from pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc import ConditionalField, PayloadField, SchemaField, SwitchField
from pcapkit.corekit.fields.numbers import (EnumField, NumberField, UInt8Field, UInt16Field,
from pcapkit.corekit.fields.strings import BitField, BytesField, PaddingField
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema import EnumSchema, Schema, schema_final
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import FieldValueError
from pcapkit.utilities.logging import SPHINX_TYPE_CHECKING
from pcapkit.utilities.warnings import ProtocolWarning, warn

__all__ = [

    'LocatorData', 'Locator', 'HostIdentity',
    'ECDSACurveHostIdentity', 'ECDSALowCurveHostIdentity', 'EdDSACurveHostIdentity',

    'UnassignedParameter', 'ESPInfoParameter', 'R1CounterParameter',
    'LocatorSetParameter', 'PuzzleParameter', 'SolutionParameter',
    'SEQParameter', 'ACKParameter', 'DHGroupListParameter',
    'DiffieHellmanParameter', 'HIPTransformParameter', 'HIPCipherParameter',
    'NATTraversalModeParameter', 'TransactionPacingParameter', 'EncryptedParameter',
    'HostIDParameter', 'HITSuiteListParameter', 'CertParameter',
    'NotificationParameter', 'EchoRequestSignedParameter', 'RegInfoParameter',
    'RegRequestParameter', 'RegResponseParameter', 'RegFailedParameter',
    'RegFromParameter', 'EchoResponseSignedParameter', 'TransportFormatListParameter',
    'ESPTransformParameter', 'SeqDataParameter', 'AckDataParameter',
    'PayloadMICParameter', 'TransactionIDParameter', 'OverlayIDParameter',
    'RouteDstParameter', 'HIPTransportModeParameter', 'HIPMACParameter',
    'HIPMAC2Parameter', 'HIPSignature2Parameter', 'HIPSignatureParameter',
    'EchoRequestUnsignedParameter', 'EchoResponseUnsignedParameter', 'RelayFromParameter',
    'RelayToParameter', 'RouteViaParameter', 'FromParameter',
    'RVSHMACParameter', 'RelayHMACParameter',

    from ipaddress import IPv6Address
    from typing import Any, Optional

    from pcapkit.corekit.fields.field import FieldBase as Field
    from import EncryptedParameter as Data_EncryptedParameter
    from import HIPCipherParameter as Data_HIPCipherParameter
    from pcapkit.protocols.protocol import ProtocolBase as Protocol

    from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict

[docs] class PacketType(TypedDict): """Packet type.""" #: Reversed bit. bit_0: Literal[0] #: Packet type. type: int
[docs] class VersionType(TypedDict): """Version type.""" #: Version. version: int #: Reversed bit. bit_1: Literal[1]
[docs] class ControlsType(TypedDict): """Controls type.""" #: Anonymous. anonymous: bool
[docs] class LocatorFlags(TypedDict): """Locator flags.""" #: Preferred flag. preferred: bool
[docs] class DIData(TypedDict): """DI type data.""" #: DI type. type: Enum_DITypes #: DI length. len: int
[docs] class RouteFlags(TypedDict): """Route destination flags.""" #: Symmetric flag. symmetric: int #: Must-follow flag. must_follow: int
[docs] def locator_value_selector(pkt: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'Field': """Selector function for :attr:`Locator.value` field. Args: pkt: Packet data. Returns: * If ``kind`` is ``0`` and ``size`` is ``16``, returns an :class:`~pcapkit.corekit.fields.ipaddress.IPv6AddressField` instance. * If ``kind`` is ``1`` and ``size`` is ``20``, returns a :class:`~pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc.SchemaField` wrapped :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.schema.internet.hip.LocatorData` instance. """ if pkt['type'] == 0 and pkt['len'] == 4: return IPv6AddressField() if pkt['type'] == 1 and pkt['len'] == 5: return SchemaField( length=20, schema=LocatorData, ) raise FieldValueError('invalid locator type or length')
[docs] def host_id_hi_selector(pkt: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'Field': """Selector function for :attr:`HostIDParameter.hi` field. Args: pkt: Packet data. Returns: * If ``algorithm`` is ``7`` (ECDSA), returns a :class:`~pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc.SchemaField` wrapped :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.schema.internet.hip.ECDSACurveHostIdentity` instance. * If ``algorithm`` is ``9`` (ECDSA_LOW), returns a :class:`~pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc.SchemaField` wrapped :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.schema.internet.hip.ECDSALowCurveHostIdentity` instance. * If ``algorithm`` is ``13`` (EdDSA), returns a :class:`~pcapkit.corekit.fields.misc.SchemaField` wrapped :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.schema.internet.hip.EdDSACurveHostIdentity` instance. """ algo = pkt['algorithm'] schema = HostIdentity.registry[algo] if schema is None: return BytesField(length=pkt['hi_len']) return SchemaField(length=pkt['hi_len'], schema=schema)
[docs] class Parameter(EnumSchema[Enum_Parameter]): """Base schema for HIP parameters.""" __default__ = lambda: UnassignedParameter #: Parameter type. type: 'Enum_Parameter' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_Parameter) #: Parameter length. len: 'int' = UInt16Field()
[docs] @schema_final class UnassignedParameter(Parameter): """Header schema for HIP unsigned parameters.""" #: Parameter value. value: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', value: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class ESPInfoParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ESP_INFO): """Header schema for HIP ``ESP_INFO`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: Key management index. index: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Old SPI. old_spi: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: New SPI. new_spi: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', index: 'int', old_spi: 'int', new_spi: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class R1CounterParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.R1_COUNTER): """Header schema for HIP ``R1_COUNTER`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=4) #: R1 counter. counter: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', counter: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class Locator(Schema): """Header schema for HIP locators.""" #: Traffic type. traffic: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Locator type. type: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Locator length. len: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Reserved and flags. flags: 'LocatorFlags' = BitField( length=1, namespace={ 'preferred': (7, 1), }, ) lifetime: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Locator value. value: 'IPv6Address | LocatorData' = SwitchField( selector=locator_value_selector, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, traffic: 'int', type: 'int', len: 'int', flags: 'LocatorFlags', lifetime: 'int', value: 'bytes | LocatorData') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class LocatorSetParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.LOCATOR_SET): """Header schema for HIP ``LOCATOR_SET`` parameters.""" #: List of locators. locators: 'list[Locator]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=SchemaField(schema=Locator), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', locators: 'list[Locator]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class LocatorData(Schema): """Header schema for HIP locator data.""" #: SPI. spi: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Locator. ip: 'IPv6Address' = IPv6AddressField() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, spi: 'int', ip: 'IPv6Address | int | bytes | str') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class PuzzleParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.PUZZLE): """Header schema for HIP ``PUZZLE`` parameters.""" #: Numeric index. index: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Lifetime. lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=2) #: Random data. random: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 4, signed=False) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', index: 'int', lifetime: 'int', opaque: 'bytes', random: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class SolutionParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.SOLUTION): """Header schema for HIP ``SOLUTION`` parameters.""" #: Numeric index. index: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Lifetime. lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=2) #: Random data. random: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: (pkt['len'] - 4) // 2, signed=False) #: Solution. solution: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: (pkt['len'] - 4) // 2, signed=False) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', index: 'int', lifetime: 'int', opaque: 'bytes', random: 'int', solution: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class SEQParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.SEQ): """Header schema for HIP ``SEQ`` parameters.""" #: Update ID. update_id: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', update_id: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class ACKParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ACK): """Header schema for HIP ``ACK`` parameters.""" #: Update ID. update_id: 'list[int]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=UInt32Field(), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', update_id: 'bytes | list[int]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class DHGroupListParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.DH_GROUP_LIST): """Header schema for HIP ``DH_GROUP_LIST`` parameters.""" #: List of DH groups. groups: 'list[Enum_Group]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Group), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', groups: 'list[Enum_Group]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class DiffieHellmanParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.DIFFIE_HELLMAN): """Header schema for HIP ``DIFFIE_HELLMAN`` parameters.""" #: Diffie-Hellman group. group: 'Enum_Group' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Group) #: Public value length. pub_len: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Diffie-Hellman value. pub_val: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['pub_len'], signed=False) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', group: 'Enum_Group', pub_len: 'int', pub_val: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPTransformParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_TRANSFORM): """Header schema for HIP ``TRANSFORM`` parameters.""" #: Suite IDs. suites: 'list[Enum_Suite]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_Suite), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', suites: 'list[Enum_Suite]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPCipherParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_CIPHER): """Header schema for HIP ``CIPHER`` parameters.""" #: Cipher IDs. ciphers: 'list[Enum_Cipher]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_Cipher), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', ciphers: 'list[Enum_Cipher]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class NATTraversalModeParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE): """Header schema for HIP ``NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: NAT traversal modes. modes: 'list[Enum_NATTraversal]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_NATTraversal), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', modes: 'list[Enum_NATTraversal]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class TransactionPacingParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.TRANSACTION_PACING): """Header schema for HIP ``TRANSACTION_PACING`` parameters.""" #: Transaction pacing. min_ta: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', min_ta: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EncryptedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ENCRYPTED): """Header schema for HIP ``ENCRYPTED`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=4) #: Initialization vector. iv: 'bytes' = ConditionalField( BytesField(length=16), lambda pkt: pkt['__cipher__'] in (Enum_Cipher.AES_128_CBC, Enum_Cipher.AES_256_CBC), ) #: Data. data: 'bytes' = BytesField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - (16 if pkt.get('iv') else 0), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8)
[docs] @classmethod def pre_unpack(cls, packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'None': """Prepare ``packet`` data for unpacking process. Args: packet: packet data """ if 'options' in packet: cipher_list = cast('list[Data_HIPCipherParameter]', packet['options'].getlist(Enum_Parameter.HIP_CIPHER)) if cipher_list: warn(f'HIP: [ParamNo {Enum_Parameter.ENCRYPTED}] ' 'missing HIP_CIPHER parameter', ProtocolWarning) # raise ProtocolError(f'HIPv{version}: [ParamNo {schema.type}] invalid format') cipher_id = Enum_Cipher(0xffff) else: cipher_ids = [] # type: list[Enum_Cipher] for cipher in cipher_list: cipher_ids.extend(cipher.cipher_id) encrypted_list = cast('list[Data_EncryptedParameter]', packet['options'].getlist(Enum_Parameter.ENCRYPTED)) encrypted_index = len(encrypted_list) if encrypted_index >= len(cipher_ids): warn(f'HIP: [ParamNo {Enum_Parameter.ENCRYPTED}] ' 'too many ENCRYPTED parameters', ProtocolWarning) # raise ProtocolError(f'HIPv{version}: [ParamNo {schema.type}] invalid format') cipher_id = Enum_Cipher(0xfffe) else: cipher_id = cipher_ids[encrypted_index] else: warn(f'HIP: [ParamNo {Enum_Parameter.ENCRYPTED}] ' 'missing HIP_CIPHER parameter', ProtocolWarning) cipher_id = Enum_Cipher(0xffff) packet['__cipher__'] = cipher_id
[docs] def post_process(self, packet: 'dict[str, Any]') -> 'Schema': """Revise ``schema`` data after unpacking process. Args: packet: Unpacked data. Returns: Revised schema. """ self.cipher = packet['__cipher__'] return self
if TYPE_CHECKING: #: Cipher ID. cipher: 'Enum_Cipher' def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', cipher: 'Enum_Cipher', iv: 'Optional[bytes]', data: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HostIDParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HOST_ID): """Header schema for HIP ``HOST_ID`` parameters.""" #: Host ID length. hi_len: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Domain ID type and length. di_data: 'DIData' = BitField( length=4, namespace={ 'type': (0, 4), 'len': (4, 12), }, ) #: Algorithm type. algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_HIAlgorithm) #: Host ID. hi: 'bytes | HostIdentity' = SwitchField(selector=host_id_hi_selector) #: Domain ID. di: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['di_data']['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', hi_len: 'int', di_data: 'DIData', algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm', hi: 'bytes | HostIdentity', di: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] class HostIdentity(EnumSchema[Enum_HIAlgorithm]): """Host identity schema."""
[docs] @schema_final class ECDSACurveHostIdentity(HostIdentity, code=Enum_HIAlgorithm.ECDSA): """Host identity schema with ECDSA curve.""" #: Algorithm curve type. curve: 'Enum_ECDSACurve' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_ECDSACurve) #: Public key. pub_key: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['__length__']) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, curve: 'Enum_ECDSACurve', pub_key: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class ECDSALowCurveHostIdentity(HostIdentity, code=Enum_HIAlgorithm.ECDSA_LOW): """Host identity schema with ECDSA_LOW curve.""" #: Algorithm curve type. curve: 'Enum_ECDSALowCurve' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_ECDSALowCurve) #: Public key. pub_key: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['__length__']) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, curve: 'Enum_ECDSALowCurve', pub_key: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EdDSACurveHostIdentity(HostIdentity, code=Enum_HIAlgorithm.EdDSA): """Host identity schema with EdDSA curve.""" #: Algorithm curve type. curve: 'Enum_EdDSACurve' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_EdDSACurve) #: Public key. pub_key: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['__length__']) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, curve: 'Enum_EdDSACurve', pub_key: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HITSuiteListParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIT_SUITE_LIST): """Header schema for HIP ``HIT_SUITE_LIST`` parameters.""" #: HIT suite IDs. suites: 'list[Enum_HITSuite]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_HITSuite), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', suites: 'list[Enum_HITSuite]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class CertParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.CERT): """Header schema for HIP ``CERT`` parameters.""" #: Certificate group. cert_group: 'Enum_Group' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Group) #: Certificate count. cert_count: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Certificate ID. cert_id: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Certificate type. cert_type: 'Enum_Certificate' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Certificate) #: Certificate data. cert: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 4) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', cert_group: 'Enum_Group', cert_count: 'int', cert_id: 'int', cert_type: 'Enum_Certificate', cert: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class NotificationParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.NOTIFICATION): """Header schema for HIP ``NOTIFICATION`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: Notify message type. msg_type: 'Enum_NotifyMessage' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_NotifyMessage) #: Notification data. msg: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 4) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', msg_type: 'Enum_NotifyMessage', msg: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EchoRequestSignedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ECHO_REQUEST_SIGNED): """Header schema for HIP ``ECHO_REQUEST_SIGNED`` parameters.""" #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', opaque: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RegInfoParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.REG_INFO): """Header schema for HIP ``REG_INFO`` parameters.""" #: Minimum lifetime. min_lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Maximum lifetime. max_lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Registration types. reg_info: 'list[Enum_Registration]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Registration), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', min_lifetime: 'int', max_lifetime: 'int', reg_info: 'list[Enum_Registration]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RegRequestParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.REG_REQUEST): """Header schema for HIP ``REG_REQUEST`` parameters.""" #: Lifetime. lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Registration types. reg_request: 'list[Enum_Registration]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 1, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Registration), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', lifetime: 'int', reg_request: 'list[Enum_Registration]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RegResponseParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.REG_RESPONSE): """Header schema for HIP ``REG_RESPONSE`` parameters.""" #: Lifetime. lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Registration types. reg_response: 'list[Enum_Registration]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 1, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Registration), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', lifetime: 'int', reg_response: 'list[Enum_Registration]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RegFailedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.REG_FAILED): """Header schema for HIP ``REG_FAILED`` parameters.""" #: Lifetime. lifetime: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Registration types. reg_failed: 'list[Enum_RegistrationFailure]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 1, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_RegistrationFailure), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', lifetime: 'int', reg_failed: 'list[Enum_RegistrationFailure]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RegFromParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.REG_FROM): """Header schema for HIP ``REG_FROM`` parameters.""" #: Port. port: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Protocol. protocol: 'Enum_TransType' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_TransType) #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=1) #: Address. address: 'IPv6Address' = IPv6AddressField() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', port: 'int', protocol: 'Enum_TransType', address: 'IPv6Address | bytes | int | str') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EchoResponseSignedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ECHO_RESPONSE_SIGNED): """Header schema for HIP ``ECHO_RESPONSE_SIGNED`` parameters.""" #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', opaque: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class TransportFormatListParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.TRANSPORT_FORMAT_LIST): """Header schema for HIP ``TRANSPORT_FORMAT_LIST`` parameters.""" #: Transport formats. formats: 'list[Enum_Parameter]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_Parameter), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', formats: 'list[Enum_Parameter]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class ESPTransformParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ESP_TRANSFORM): """Header schema for HIP ``ESP_TRANSFORM`` parameters.""" #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: Suite IDs. suites: 'list[Enum_ESPTransformSuite]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2, item_type=EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_ESPTransformSuite), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', suites: 'list[Enum_ESPTransformSuite]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class SeqDataParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.SEQ_DATA): """Header schema for HIP ``SEQ_DATA`` parameters.""" #: Sequence number. seq: 'int' = UInt32Field() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', seq: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class AckDataParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ACK_DATA): """Header schema for HIP ``ACK_DATA`` parameters.""" #: Acked sequence number. ack: 'list[int]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=UInt32Field(), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', ack: 'list[int]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class PayloadMICParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.PAYLOAD_MIC): """Header schema for HIP ``PAYLOAD_MIC`` parameters.""" #: Next header. next: 'Enum_TransType' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_TransType) #: Reversed. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=3) #: Payload data. payload: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=4) #: MIC value. mic: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 8) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', next: 'Enum_TransType', payload: 'bytes', mic: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class TransactionIDParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.TRANSACTION_ID): """Header schema for HIP ``TRANSACTION_ID`` parameters.""" #: Transaction ID. id: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], signed=False) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', id: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class OverlayIDParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.OVERLAY_ID): """Header schema for HIP ``OVERLAY_ID`` parameters.""" #: Overlay ID. id: 'int' = NumberField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], signed=False) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', id: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RouteDstParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ROUTE_DST): """Header schema for HIP ``ROUTE_DST`` parameters.""" #: Flags. flags: 'RouteFlags' = BitField(length=2, namespace={ 'symmetric': (0, 1), 'must_follow': (1, 1), }) #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: HIT addresses. hit: 'list[IPv6Address]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 4, item_type=IPv6AddressField(), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', flags: 'RouteFlags', hit: 'list[str | int | bytes | IPv6Address]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPTransportModeParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_TRANSPORT_MODE): """Header schema for HIP ``HIP_TRANSPORT_MODE`` parameters.""" #: Port. port: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Mode IDs. mode: 'list[Enum_Transport]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2, item_type=EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_Transport), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', port: 'int', mode: 'list[Enum_Transport]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPMACParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_MAC): """Header schema for HIP ``HIP_MAC`` parameters.""" #: HMAC value. hmac: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', hmac: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPMAC2Parameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_MAC_2): """Header schema for HIP ``HIP_MAC_2`` parameters.""" #: HMAC value. hmac: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', hmac: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPSignature2Parameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_SIGNATURE_2): """Header schema for HIP ``HIP_SIGNATURE_2`` parameters.""" #: Signature algorithm. algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_HIAlgorithm) #: Signature value. signature: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm', signature: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIPSignatureParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.HIP_SIGNATURE): """Header schema for HIP ``HIP_SIGNATURE`` parameters.""" #: Signature algorithm. algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm' = EnumField(length=2, namespace=Enum_HIAlgorithm) #: Signature value. signature: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 2) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', algorithm: 'Enum_HIAlgorithm', signature: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EchoRequestUnsignedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED): """Header schema for HIP ``ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED`` parameters.""" #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', opaque: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class EchoResponseUnsignedParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ECHO_RESPONSE_UNSIGNED): """Header schema for HIP ``ECHO_RESPONSE_UNSIGNED`` parameters.""" #: Opaque data. opaque: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', opaque: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RelayFromParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.RELAY_FROM): """Header schema for HIP ``RELAY_FROM`` parameters.""" #: Port. port: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Protocol. protocol: 'Enum_TransType' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_TransType) #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=1) #: Address. address: 'IPv6Address' = IPv6AddressField() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', port: 'int', protocol: 'Enum_TransType', address: 'str | bytes | int | IPv6Address') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RelayToParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.RELAY_TO): """Header schema for HIP ``RELAY_TO`` parameters.""" #: Port. port: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Protocol. protocol: 'Enum_TransType' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_TransType) #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=1) #: Address. address: 'IPv6Address' = IPv6AddressField() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', port: 'int', protocol: 'Enum_TransType', address: 'str | bytes | int | IPv6Address') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class OverlayTTLParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.OVERLAY_TTL): """Header schema for HIP ``OVERLAY_TTL`` parameters.""" #: TTL value. ttl: 'int' = UInt16Field() #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', ttl: 'int') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RouteViaParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.ROUTE_VIA): """Header schema for HIP ``ROUTE_VIA`` parameters.""" #: Flags. flags: 'RouteFlags' = BitField(length=2, namespace={ 'symmetric': (0, 1), 'must_follow': (1, 1), }) #: Reserved. reserved: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=2) #: HIT addresses. hit: 'list[IPv6Address]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'] - 4, item_type=IPv6AddressField(), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', flags: 'RouteFlags', hit: 'list[str | bytes | int | IPv6Address]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class FromParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.FROM): """Header schema for HIP ``FROM`` parameters.""" #: Address. address: 'IPv6Address' = IPv6AddressField() #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', address: 'str | bytes | int | IPv6Address') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RVSHMACParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.RVS_HMAC): """Header schema for HIP ``RVS_HMAC`` parameters.""" #: HMAC value. hmac: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', hmac: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class ViaRVSParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.VIA_RVS): """Header schema for HIP ``VIA_RVS`` parameters.""" #: Address. address: 'list[IPv6Address]' = ListField( length=lambda pkt: pkt['len'], item_type=IPv6AddressField(), ) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', address: 'list[str | bytes | int | IPv6Address]') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class RelayHMACParameter(Parameter, code=Enum_Parameter.RELAY_HMAC): """Header schema for HIP ``RELAY_HMAC`` parameters.""" #: HMAC value. hmac: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=lambda pkt: pkt['len']) #: Padding. padding: 'bytes' = PaddingField(length=lambda pkt: (8 - (pkt['len'] % 8)) % 8) if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, type: 'Enum_Parameter', len: 'int', hmac: 'bytes') -> 'None': ...
[docs] @schema_final class HIP(Schema): """Header schema for HIP packet.""" #: Next header. next: 'Enum_TransType' = EnumField(length=1, namespace=Enum_TransType) #: Header length. len: 'int' = UInt8Field() #: Packet type. pkt: 'PacketType' = BitField( length=1, namespace={ 'bit_0': (0, 1), 'type': (1, 7), }, ) #: HIP version. ver: 'VersionType' = BitField( length=1, namespace={ 'version': (0, 4), 'bit_1': (7, 1), }, ) #: Checksum. checksum: 'bytes' = BytesField(length=2) #: HIP controls. control: 'ControlsType' = BitField( length=2, namespace={ 'anonymous': (15, 1), }, ) #: Sender's host identity tag. shit: 'int' = NumberField(length=16, signed=False) #: Receiver's host identity tag. rhit: 'int' = NumberField(length=16, signed=False) #: HIP parameters. param: 'list[Parameter]' = OptionField( length=lambda pkt: (pkt['len'] - 4) * 8, base_schema=Parameter, type_name='type', registry=Parameter.registry, ) #: Payload. payload: 'bytes' = PayloadField() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __init__(self, next: 'Enum_TransType', len: 'int', pkt: 'PacketType', ver: 'VersionType', checksum: 'bytes', control: 'ControlsType', shit: 'int', rhit: 'int', param: 'bytes | list[bytes | Parameter]', payload: 'bytes | Protocol | Schema') -> 'None': ...