# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Decorator Functions
.. module:: pcapkit.utilities.decorators
:mod:`pcapkit.utilities.decorators` contains several useful
decorators, including :func:`~pcapkit.utilities.decorators.seekset`,
:func:`~pcapkit.utilities.decorators.beholder` and
import functools
import io
import os
import traceback
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import StructError, stacklevel
from pcapkit.utilities.logging import DEVMODE, VERBOSE, logger
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Optional, Type, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Concatenate, ParamSpec
from pcapkit.protocols.protocol import ProtocolBase as Protocol
from pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema import Schema
P = ParamSpec('P')
R_seekset = TypeVar('R_seekset')
R_beholder = TypeVar('R_beholder', bound=Protocol)
R_prepare = TypeVar('R_prepare', bound=Schema)
__all__ = ['seekset', 'beholder', 'prepare']
def seekset(func: 'Callable[Concatenate[Protocol, P], R_seekset]') -> 'Callable[P, R_seekset]':
"""Read file from start then set back to original.
This decorator function is designed for decorating *class methods*.
The decorator will keep the current offset of :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>`,
then call the decorated function. Afterwards, it will rewind the offset of
:attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>` to the original and returns the return value from
the decorated function.
The decorated function should have following signature::
func(self: 'pcapkit.protocols.protocol.ProtocolBase',
*args: 'typing.Any', **kwargs: 'typing.Any') -> 'typing.Any'
See Also:
:param func: decorated function
:meta decorator:
def seekcur(*args: 'P.args', **kw: 'P.kwargs') -> 'R_seekset':
# extract self object
self = cast('Protocol', args[0])
# move file pointer
seek_cur = self._file.tell()
self._file.seek(self._seekset, os.SEEK_SET)
# call method
return_ = func(*args, **kw)
# reset file pointer
self._file.seek(seek_cur, os.SEEK_SET)
return return_
return seekcur
def beholder(func: 'Callable[Concatenate[Protocol, int, Optional[int], P], R_beholder]') -> 'Callable[P, R_beholder]':
"""Behold extraction procedure.
This decorator function is designed for decorating *class methods*.
This decorator first keep the current offset of
:attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>`, then
try to call the decorated function. Should any exception raised, it will
re-parse the :attr:`self._file <pcapkit.protocols.protocol.Protocol._file>`
as :class:`~pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw.Raw` protocol.
The decorated function should have following signature::
func(self: 'pcapkit.protocols.protocol.ProtocolBase',
proto: 'int', length: 'typing.Optional[int]',
*args: 'typing.Any', **kwargs: 'typing.Any') -> 'pcapkit.protocols.protocol.ProtocolBase'
See Also:
:param func: decorated function
:meta decorator:
def behold(*args: 'P.args', **kwargs: 'P.kwargs') -> 'R_beholder':
# extract self object & args
self = cast('R_beholder', args[0])
length = cast('int', args[2])
except IndexError:
length = None
# record file pointer
# call method
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
if isinstance(exc, StructError) and exc.eof: # pylint: disable=no-member
from pcapkit.protocols.misc.null import NoPayload as protocol # isort: skip # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from pcapkit.protocols.misc.raw import Raw as protocol # type: ignore[assignment] # isort: skip # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# error = traceback.format_exc(limit=1).strip().rsplit(os.linesep, maxsplit=1)[-1]
# log error
logger.warning(str(exc), stack_info=DEVMODE, stacklevel=stacklevel())
logger.error('The following error occurred while parsing the packet:')
file_ = self.__header__.get_payload()
next_ = protocol(file_, length, error=str(exc))
return cast('R_beholder', next_)
return behold
def prepare(func: 'Callable[Concatenate[Type[R_prepare], bytes | IO[bytes], Optional[int], Optional[dict[str, Any]], P], R_prepare]') -> 'Callable[P, R_prepare]':
"""Prepare schema packet data before unpacking.
This decorate function is designed for decorating the
:meth:`Schema.unpack <pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema.Schema.unpack>`
*class method*.
This decorator will revise the parameter list provided to the original
:meth:`Schema.unpack <pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema.Schema.unpack>` method
and extract necessary information based on the given parameters, then provide
the revised version of parameter list to the original method.
The decorated function should have following signature::
func(cls: 'typing.Type[pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema.Schema]',
data: 'bytes | typing.IO[bytes]',
length: 'Optional[int],
packet: 'Optional[dict[str, Any]',
*args: 'typing.Any', **kwargs: 'Any') -> 'pcapkit.protocols.schema.schema.Schema'
See Also:
:param func: decorated function
:meta decorator:
def unpack(*args: 'P.args', **kwargs: 'P.kwargs') -> 'R_prepare':
cls = cast('Type[R_prepare]', args[0])
data = cast('bytes | IO[bytes]', args[1])
length = cast('Optional[int]', args[2])
packet = cast('Optional[dict[str, Any]]', args[3])
if isinstance(data, bytes):
length = len(data) if length is None else length
data = io.BytesIO(data)
if length is None:
current = data.tell()
length = data.seek(0, io.SEEK_END) - current
if length == 0:
raise EOFError
if packet is None:
packet = {}
packet['__length__'] = length
# call the user customised preparation method
# then proceed with the unpacking process
# and eventually revise the schema data
schema = func(cls, data, length, packet)
ret = schema.post_process(packet)
return cast('R_prepare', ret)
return unpack