Source code for pcapkit.vendor.default

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Base Crawler

.. module:: pcapkit.vendor.default

:mod:`pcapkit.vendor.default` contains :class:`~pcapkit.vendor.default.Vendor`
only, which is the base meta class for all vendor crawlers.

import abc
import collections
import contextlib
import csv
import inspect
import os
import re
import tempfile
import textwrap
import webbrowser
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import requests

from pcapkit.utilities.exceptions import VendorNotImplemented
from pcapkit.utilities.logging import BOOLEAN_STATES
from pcapkit.utilities.warnings import VendorRequestWarning, warn

    from collections import Counter
    from typing import Callable, Optional

__all__ = ['Vendor']

MAX_RETRY = int(os.environ.get('PCAPKIT_VENDOR_RETRY', 5)) or 1
CI_MODE = BOOLEAN_STATES.get(os.environ.get('PCAPKIT_CI_MODE', 'false').casefold(), False)

#: Default constant template of enumerate registry from IANA CSV.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long,consider-using-f-string
"""{(name := DOCS.split(' [', maxsplit=1)[0])}
{'=' * (len(name) + 6)}

.. module:: {MODL.replace('vendor', 'const')}

This module contains the constant enumeration for **{name}**,
which is automatically generated from :class:`{MODL}.{NAME}`.


from aenum import IntEnum, extend_enum

__all__ = ['{NAME}']

class {NAME}(IntEnum):
    """[{NAME}] {DOCS}"""


    def get(key: 'int | str', default: 'int' = -1) -> '{NAME}':
        """Backport support for original codes.

            key: Key to get enum item.
            default: Default value if not found.

        :meta private:
        if isinstance(key, int):
            return {NAME}(key)
        if key not in {NAME}._member_map_:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return extend_enum({NAME}, key, default)
        return {NAME}[key]  # type: ignore[misc]

    def _missing_(cls, value: 'int') -> '{NAME}':
        """Lookup function used when value is not found.

            value: Value to get enum item.

        if not ({FLAG}):
            raise ValueError('%r is not a valid %s' % (value, cls.__name__))
        {'' if (test := ''.join(MISS.splitlines()[-1:])).startswith('return') or test[8:].startswith('return') else 'return super()._missing_(value)'}
'''.strip()  # type: Callable[[str, str, str, str, str, str], str]

[docs] def get_proxies() -> 'dict[str, str]': """Get proxy for blocked sites. The function will read :envvar:`PCAPKIT_HTTP_PROXY` and :envvar:`PCAPKIT_HTTPS_PROXY`, if any, for the proxy settings of |requests|_. .. |requests| replace:: ``requests`` .. _requests: Returns: Proxy settings for |requests|_. """ HTTP_PROXY = os.getenv('PCAPKIT_HTTP_PROXY') HTTPS_PROXY = os.getenv('PCAPKIT_HTTPS_PROXY') PROXIES = {} # type: dict[str, str] if HTTP_PROXY is not None: PROXIES['http'] = HTTP_PROXY if HTTPS_PROXY is not None: PROXIES['https'] = HTTPS_PROXY return PROXIES
[docs] class VendorMeta(abc.ABCMeta): """Meta class to add dynamic support to :class:`Vendor`. This meta class is used to generate necessary attributes for the :class:`Vendor` class. It can be useful to reduce unnecessary registry calls and simplify the customisation process. """
[docs] class Vendor(metaclass=VendorMeta): """Default vendor generator. Inherit this class with :attr:`~Vendor.FLAG` & :attr:`~Vendor.LINK` attributes, etc., to implement a new vendor generator. """ ############### # Macros ############### #: Name of constant enumeration. NAME: 'str' #: Docstring of constant enumeration. DOCS: 'str' #: Value limit checker. FLAG: 'str' = None # type: ignore[assignment] #: Link to registry. LINK: 'str' = None # type: ignore[assignment] ############### # Processors ###############
[docs] @staticmethod def wrap_comment(text: 'str') -> 'str': """Wraps long-length text to shorter lines of comments. Args: text: Source text. Returns: Wrapped comments. """ return '\n #: '.join(textwrap.wrap(text.strip(), 76))
[docs] def safe_name(self, name: 'str') -> 'str': """Convert enumeration name to :class:`enum.Enum` friendly. Args: name: original enumeration name Returns: Converted enumeration name. """ temp = '_'.join( filter( None, re.sub( r'\W', '_', '_'.join( re.sub( r'\(.*\)', '', name ).split(), ), ).split('_') ) ) if temp.isidentifier(): return temp return f'{self.NAME}_{temp}'
[docs] def rename(self, name: 'str', code: 'str', *, original: 'Optional[str]' = None) -> 'str': # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Rename duplicated fields. Args: name: Field name. code: Field code. original: Original field name (extracted from CSV records). Returns: Revised field name. Example: If ``name`` has multiple occurrences in the source registry, the field name will be sanitised as ``${name}_${code}``. Otherwise, the plain ``name`` will be returned. """ index = original or name if self.record[self.safe_name(index)] > 1 or self.safe_name(index).upper() in ['RESERVED', 'UNASSIGNED']: name = f'{name}_{code}' return self.safe_name(name)
[docs] def process(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'tuple[list[str], list[str]]': """Process CSV data. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Enumeration fields and missing fields. """ reader = csv.reader(data) next(reader) enum = [] # type: list[str] miss = [] # type: list[str] for item in reader: name = item[1] rfcs = item[2] temp = [] # type: list[str] for rfc in filter(None, re.split(r'\[|\]', rfcs)): if 'RFC' in rfc and re.match(r'\d+', rfc[3:]): #temp.append(f'[{rfc[:3]} {rfc[3:]}]') temp_split = rfc[3:].split(', ', maxsplit=1) if len(temp_split) > 1: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}#{temp_split[1].lower()}`]'.replace(' ', '-')) else: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}`]') else: temp.append(f'[{rfc}]'.replace('_', ' ')) desc = self.wrap_comment(re.sub(r'\r*\n', ' ', '%s %s' % ( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string name, ''.join(temp) if rfcs else '', ), re.MULTILINE)) try: code, _ = item[0], int(item[0]) renm = self.rename(name, code) pres = f'{renm} = {code}' sufs = f'#: {desc}' #if len(pres) > 74: # sufs = f"\n{' '*80}{sufs}" #enum.append(f'{pres.ljust(76)}{sufs}') enum.append(f'{sufs}\n {pres}') except ValueError: start, stop = item[0].split('-') miss.append(f'if {start} <= value <= {stop}:') miss.append(f' #: {desc}') miss.append(f" return extend_enum(cls, '{self.safe_name(name)}_%d' % value, value)") return enum, miss
[docs] def count(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'Counter[str]': """Count field records. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Field recordings. """ reader = csv.reader(data) next(reader) # header return collections.Counter(map(lambda item: self.safe_name(item[1]), filter(lambda item: len(item[0].split('-')) != 2, reader)))
[docs] def context(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'str': """Generate constant context. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Constant context. """ enum, miss = self.process(data) ENUM = '\n\n '.join(map(lambda s: s.rstrip(), enum)).strip() MISS = '\n '.join(map(lambda s: s.rstrip(), miss)).strip() return LINE(self.NAME, self.DOCS, self.FLAG, ENUM, MISS, self.__module__)
[docs] def request(self, text: 'Optional[str]' = None) -> 'list[str]': """Fetch CSV file. Args: text: Context from :attr:`~Vendor.LINK`. Returns: CSV data. """ if text is None: return [] return text.strip().split('\r\n')
############### # Defaults ############### def __new__(cls) -> 'Vendor': """Subclassing checkpoint. Raises: VendorNotImplemented: If ``cls`` is not a subclass of :class:`~pcapkit.vendor.default.Vendor`. """ if cls is Vendor: raise VendorNotImplemented('cannot initiate Vendor instance') return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self) -> 'None': """Generate new constant files.""" #: Name of constant enumeration. self.NAME = type(self).__name__ #: Docstring of constant enumeration. self.DOCS = type(self).__doc__ # type: ignore[assignment] data = self._request() self.record = self.count(data) temp_ctx = [] # type: list[str] orig_ctx = self.context(data) for line in orig_ctx.splitlines(): if line: if line.strip(): temp_ctx.append(line.rstrip()) else: temp_ctx.append(line) context = '\n'.join(temp_ctx) temp, FILE = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(type(self)))) ROOT, STEM = os.path.split(temp) os.makedirs(os.path.join(ROOT, '..', 'const', STEM), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(ROOT, '..', 'const', STEM, FILE), 'w') as file: # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding print(context, file=file)
[docs] def _request(self) -> 'list[str]': """Fetch CSV data from :attr:`~Vendor.LINK`. This is the low-level call of :meth:`~Vendor.request`. If :attr:`~Vendor.LINK` is ``None``, it will directly call the upper method :meth:`~Vendor.request` with **NO** arguments. The method will first try to *GET* the content of :attr:`~Vendor.LINK`. Should any exception raised, it will first try with proxy settings from :func:`~pcapkit.vendor.default.get_proxies`. .. note:: Since some :attr:`~Vendor.LINK` links are from Wikipedia, etc., they might not be available in certain areas, e.g. the amazing PRC :) Would proxies failed again, it will prompt for user intervention, i.e. it will use :func:`` to open the page in browser for you, and you can manually load that page and save the HTML source at the location it provides. Returns: CSV data. Warns: VendorRequestWarning: If connection failed with and/or without proxies. See Also: :meth:`~Vendor.request` """ if self.LINK is None: return self.request() # type: ignore[unreachable] try: counter = 1 while True: if counter > MAX_RETRY: raise requests.exceptions.RequestException page = requests.get(self.LINK) # nosec: B113 if not page.ok or not page.text: warn(f'Connection failed; retry for {counter}/{MAX_RETRY}...', VendorRequestWarning, stacklevel=2) counter += 1 continue break except requests.RequestException: warn('Connection failed; retry with proxies (if any)...', VendorRequestWarning, stacklevel=2) try: proxies = get_proxies() or None if proxies is None: raise counter = 1 while True: if counter > MAX_RETRY: raise page = requests.get(self.LINK, proxies=proxies) # nosec: B113 if not page.ok or not page.text: warn(f'Connection failed; retry with proxy for {counter}/{MAX_RETRY}...', VendorRequestWarning, stacklevel=2) counter += 1 continue break except requests.RequestException: if CI_MODE: warn('Connection failed; exit on CI mode...', VendorRequestWarning, stacklevel=2) raise warn('Connection failed; retry with manual intervene...', VendorRequestWarning, stacklevel=2) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix='-tempdir', prefix='pcapkit-', dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) as tempdir: temp_file = os.path.join(tempdir, f'{self.NAME}.html') flag = False with contextlib.suppress(Exception): flag = if flag: print('Please save the page source at') print(f' {temp_file}') else: print('Please navigate to the following address') print(f' {self.LINK}') print('and save the page source at') print(f' {temp_file}') while True: with contextlib.suppress(Exception): input('Press ENTER to continue...') # nosec if os.path.isfile(temp_file): break print('File not found; please save the page source at') print(f' {temp_file}') with open(temp_file) as file: # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding text = else: text = page.text else: text = page.text return self.request(text)