Source code for pcapkit.vendor.http.error_code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""HTTP/2 Error Code

.. module:: pcapkit.vendor.http.error_code

This module contains the vendor crawler for **HTTP/2 Error Code**,
which is automatically generating :class:`pcapkit.const.http.error_code.ErrorCode`.


import csv
import re
import sys

from pcapkit.vendor.default import Vendor

__all__ = ['ErrorCode']

def hexlify(code: 'int') -> 'str':
    """Convert code to hex form."""
    # temp = hex(code)[2:].upper().zfill(8)
    # return f'0x{temp[:4]}_{temp[4:]}'
    return f'0x{hex(code)[2:].upper().zfill(8)}'

[docs] class ErrorCode(Vendor): """HTTP/2 Error Code""" #: Value limit checker. FLAG = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0x00000000 <= value <= 0xFFFFFFFF' #: Link to registry. LINK = '' def process(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'tuple[list[str], list[str]]': """Process CSV data. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Enumeration fields and missing fields. """ reader = csv.reader(data) next(reader) # header enum = [] # type: list[str] miss = [] # type: list[str] for item in reader: name = item[1] dscp = item[2] rfcs = item[3] temp = [] # type: list[str] for rfc in filter(None, re.split(r'\[|\]', rfcs)): if 'RFC' in rfc and re.match(r'\d+', rfc[3:]): #temp.append(f'[{rfc[:3]} {rfc[3:]}]') temp_split = rfc[3:].split(', ', maxsplit=1) if len(temp_split) > 1: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}#{temp_split[1].lower()}`]'.replace(' ', '-')) else: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}`]') else: temp.append(f'[{rfc}]'.replace('_', ' ')) tmp1 = f" {''.join(temp)}" if rfcs else '' dscp = f', {dscp}' if dscp else '' desc = self.wrap_comment(f'{name}{dscp}{tmp1}') try: tmp2 = int(item[0], base=16) code = hexlify(tmp2) renm = self.rename(name, code) pres = f'{renm} = {code}' sufs = f'#: {desc}' #if len(pres) > 74: # sufs = f"\n{' '*80}{sufs}" #enum.append(f'{pres.ljust(76)}{sufs}') enum.append(f'{sufs}\n {pres}') except ValueError: start, stop = map(lambda s: int(s, base=16), item[0].split('-')) miss.append(f'if {hexlify(start)} <= value <= {hexlify(stop)}:') miss.append(f' #: {desc}') miss.append(f' temp = hex(value)[2:].upper().zfill(8)') miss.append(f" return extend_enum(cls, '{self.safe_name(name)}_0x%s' % (temp[:4]+'_'+temp[4:]), value)") return enum, miss
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(ErrorCode()) # type: ignore[arg-type]