Source code for pcapkit.vendor.http.method

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""HTTP Method

.. module:: pcapkit.vendor.http.method

This module contains the vendor crawler for **HTTP Method**,
which is automatically generating :class:`pcapkit.const.http.method.Method`.

import csv
import re
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pcapkit.vendor.default import Vendor

    from typing import Callable

__all__ = ['Method']

#: Default constant template of enumerate registry from IANA CSV.
LINE = lambda NAME, DOCS, ENUM, MODL: f'''\
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long,consider-using-f-string
"""{(name := DOCS.split(' [', maxsplit=1)[0])}
{'=' * (len(name) + 6)}

.. module:: {MODL.replace('vendor', 'const')}

This module contains the constant enumeration for **{name}**,
which is automatically generated from :class:`{MODL}.{NAME}`.


from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from aenum import StrEnum, extend_enum

    from typing import Optional, Type

__all__ = ['{NAME}']

class {NAME}(StrEnum):
    """[{NAME}] {DOCS}"""

        #: Safe method.
        safe: 'bool'
        #: Idempotent method.
        idempotent: 'bool'

    def __new__(cls, value: 'str', safe: 'bool' = False,
                idempotent: 'bool' = False) -> 'Type[{NAME}]':
        obj = str.__new__(cls)
        obj._value_ = value = safe
        obj.idempotent = idempotent

        return obj

    def __repr__(self) -> 'str':
        return "<%s.%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._value_)


    def get(key: 'str', default: 'Optional[str]' = None) -> '{NAME}':
        """Backport support for original codes.

            key: Key to get enum item.
            default: Default value if not found.

        :meta private:
        if key not in {NAME}._member_map_:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return extend_enum({NAME}, key.upper(), default if default is not None else key)
        return {NAME}[key]  # type: ignore[misc]

    def _missing_(cls, value: 'str') -> '{NAME}':
        """Lookup function used when value is not found.

            value: Value to get enum item.

        return extend_enum(cls, value.upper(), value)
'''.strip()  # type: Callable[[str, str, str, str], str]

[docs] class Method(Vendor): """HTTP Method""" #: Link to registry. LINK = '' def process(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'list[str]': # type: ignore[override] """Process CSV data. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Enumeration fields. """ reader = csv.reader(data) next(reader) # header enum = [] # type: list[str] for item in reader: meth = item[0] if meth == '*': continue safe = item[1] idem = item[2] rfcs = item[3] temp = [] # type: list[str] for rfc in filter(None, re.split(r'\[|\]', rfcs)): if 'RFC' in rfc and re.match(r'\d+', rfc[3:]): #temp.append(f'[{rfc[:3]} {rfc[3:]}]') temp_split = rfc[3:].split(', ', maxsplit=1) if len(temp_split) > 1: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}#{temp_split[1].lower()}`]'.replace(' ', '-')) else: temp.append(f'[:rfc:`{temp_split[0]}`]') else: temp.append(f'[{rfc}]'.replace('_', ' ')) desc = self.wrap_comment(re.sub(r'\r*\n', ' ', '%s %s' % ( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string meth, ''.join(temp) if rfcs else '', ), re.MULTILINE)) name = self.safe_name(meth).upper() safe_flag = 'True' if safe == 'yes' else 'False' idem_flag = 'True' if idem == 'yes' else 'False' pres = f"{name} = {meth!r}, {safe_flag}, {idem_flag}" sufs = f'#: {desc}' enum.append(f'{sufs}\n {pres}') return enum def context(self, data: 'list[str]') -> 'str': """Generate constant context. Args: data: CSV data. Returns: Constant context. """ enum = self.process(data) ENUM = '\n\n '.join(map(lambda s: s.rstrip(), enum)).strip() return LINE(self.NAME, self.DOCS, ENUM, self.__module__)
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Method()) # type: ignore[arg-type]