Source code for pcapkit.vendor.vlan.priority_level

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Priority levels defined in IEEE 802.1p

.. module:: pcapkit.vendor.vlan.priority_level

This module contains the vendor crawler for **Priority levels defined in IEEE 802.1p**,
which is automatically generating :class:`pcapkit.const.vlan.priority_level.PriorityLevel`.


import collections
import re
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import bs4

from pcapkit.vendor.default import Vendor

    from collections import Counter

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

__all__ = ['PriorityLevel']

[docs] class PriorityLevel(Vendor): """Priority levels defined in IEEE 802.1p""" #: Value limit checker. FLAG = 'isinstance(value, int) and 0b000 <= value <= 0b111' #: Link to registry. LINK = '' def request(self, text: 'str') -> 'BeautifulSoup': # type: ignore[override] # pylint: disable=signature-differs,arguments-renamed """Fetch registry table. Args: text: Context from :attr:`~LinkType.LINK`. Returns: Parsed HTML source. """ return bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, 'html5lib') def count(self, soup: 'BeautifulSoup') -> 'Counter[str]': # pylint: disable=signature-differs,arguments-renamed,unused-argument """Count field records.""" return collections.Counter() def process(self, soup: 'BeautifulSoup') -> 'tuple[list[str], list[str]]': # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,arguments-renamed,unused-argument """Process HTML data. Args: data: Parsed HTML source. Returns: Enumeration fields and missing fields. """ table = soup.find_all('table', class_='wikitable')[0] content = filter(lambda item: isinstance(item, bs4.element.Tag), table.tbody) next(content) # header enum = [] # type: list[str] miss = [ "return extend_enum(cls, 'Unassigned [0b%s]' % bin(value)[2:].zfill(3), value)", ] for item in content: line = item.find_all('td') pval = ' '.join(line[0].stripped_strings) prio = ' '.join(line[1].stripped_strings) abbr = ' '.join(line[2].stripped_strings) desc = ' '.join(line[3].stripped_strings) match = re.match(r'(\d) *(\(.*\))*', prio) group = match.groups() # type: ignore[union-attr] code = f'0b{bin(int(pval))[2:].zfill(3)}' tmp1 = self.wrap_comment(f"{desc} {group[1] or ''}") pres = f"{abbr} = {code}" sufs = f"#: {tmp1}" # if len(pres) > 74: # sufs = f"\n{' '*80}{sufs}" # enum.append(f'{pres.ljust(76)}{sufs}') enum.append(f'{sufs}\n {pres}') return enum, miss
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(PriorityLevel()) # type: ignore[arg-type]